Blue Moon Crystal Skulls
True Blue Moon

A "Blue Moon" refers to the second full moon of a calendar month. The full moon happens approximately every 29.5 days, so the only time that one month can have two full moons is when the first full moon happens in the first couple days of the month. This happens every 2-3 years, so Blue Moons are considered to be quite a rare occurrence, hence the saying "once in a Blue Moon". The next Blue Moon won't be until July 31, 2015.
Ancient folklore claims that the Blue Moon holds three-fold the already extraordinary power held by the Full Moon. A Blue Moon is a time of enormous influence for prophecy and divination. Its energies can be summoned for protection, wisdom and love. It is believed that any workings held beneath the Blue Moon are given additional magickal energy, which makes this time magnificent for all work in manifesting goals, passion, healing, strength, and power.
Look for specially marked crystal skulls that were part of this Blue Moon Pyramid Ceremony in our Life-Size Crystal Skulls section and our Large Nuummite Crystal Skulls and the Master Crystal Skulls.
crystal skull Meditation

A Guided Meditation to Align and Raise your Frequency
This special meditation was recorded live within a full size pyramid under a rare blue moon and within a crystal skull grid with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR while energizing crystal skulls (including the largest Nuummite crystal skulls in the world - the oldest and most powerful stone on Earth) to support transformation and ascension beyond 2012.
This guided visualization is designed to align your chakras and attune your energies to the higher frequencies of the crystal skulls so you can commune with higher consciousness and receive higher guidance. This meditation also connects you with the crystal skull grid, raising the vibration of the Earth and all living things, while raising your own vibration to the optimal level to support your greatest joy, prosperity and wellbeing. .
