11 11 11 CRYSTAL SKULLS World Mysteries
Gateway - Los Angeles
"The Event of the Year"

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The logistics of bringing many of the world’s most significant crystal skulls together are grand. But, once a year, it happens and this time it will take place on the West Coast of the United States – in the City of Angels. On November 11, 12, and 13, 2011, one of the most powerful crystal skull events in the world will take place in Los Angeles.
The number 11 represents a gateway - and the date of 11-11-11 is one of the most important spiritual dates of the digital age. This marks the threshold of stepping through the pillars of time, to manifest your personal destiny and create the collective outcome. This event will take place in one of the most powerful portals on Earth: Los Angeles, a place where the Golden Light dawns and emerges from its shadow.
Some of the most significant ancient crystal skulls in the world will be at this Los Angeles gathering, including Sha Na Ra, Einstein, Synergy, Rainbow, Madre, and Maya; the mysterious Atlantean Orb will also be present. Also attending this event with The Tibetan Crystal Skull, AMAR – and the Mayan Jade skull, CANA IXIM.
Early registration discounts are still available until August 31st, 2011, but VIP reserved seating is selling out fast. VIP tickets allow you to sit in the first few rows so you can be closest to the energies of all the ancient and sacred crystal skulls gathered.
This 11-11-11 Crystal Skull Gateway event will take place at the Sheraton Gateway Hotel in Los Angeles. This is a nice hotel very close to LAX, so no transportation is necessary. All of the events will take place under one roof, with ceremonies, lectures, exhibits and energy healing on November 11, 12, and 13 (and the possibility of private sessions available with many of the ancient crystal skulls).
More info: Speakers
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EVENT: Sponsored by Unify Earth, and CrystalSkulls.com, an unprecedented gathering of 13 members of the Grand Council of the Maya Itza Priest and Elders from Yucatan, Mexico along with archaeologists and historians will be in Los Angeles at the “11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Gateway Conference” to unleash the secrets of the crystal skulls and bring clarification to the “2012 Prophecy”, which many believe marks the end of the world (or the end of the world as we know it).
WHO: Mayan Knowledge Keepers Hunbatz Men and Flordemayo; The Grand Council of Maya Itza Priest and Elders; Edgar Cayce Historian and Researcher, Raymond Tarpey, M.A.; Archaeologist Stephen S. Mehler, M.A.; Author and Researcher, Jaap van Etten, PhD.; and Crystal Skull Guardians of SHA NA RA, EINSTEIN, SYNERGY, MAYA, RAINBOW, MADRE, ET, CANA IXIM, AMAR, and many more...
WHAT: Hunbatz Men and a team of Crystal Skull Guardians will be traveling across the U.S. from New York City performing sacred ceremonies as they make their way to Los Angeles
WHEN: The spiritual journey will begin October 26 from New York and end in Los Angeles at the 11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Gateway Conference, November 11th, 12th, and 13th. They will be stopping in: Manhattan, New York; Serpent Mound, OH; Cahokia, IL; Hays, KS; Crestone, CO; Kaatsi, AZ; Sedona, AZ; and finally in Los Angeles, CA. For more info and itinerary:
WHERE: 11.11.11 event at Sheraton Gateway Hotel, 6101 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045
WHAT ELSE: The “11.11.11 Crystal Skulls World Mysteries Gateway Conference” will be a 3-day ceremonial and activation gathering with lectures, exhibits and energy healing. Attendees will hear the Mayan council bring clarification to the “2012 Prophecy”, discover the truth behind the mysteries of crystal skulls, and experience these ancient powerful tools for themselves. For more information on the conference and ticket sales please contact Kendall Ray Morgan at Oracle Stone Productions at (520) 304-2558 or kinsolar8@yahoo.com or visit www.crystalskullsevent.com |
