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All crystal skulls are energized with the
22-pound Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM

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Mayan Crystal Skull

Real Mayan Crystal Skull for sale

Are you destined to be the guardian of this crystal skull?

"Cana ixim"

in the mayan language, this means "Lady of the corn"


According to the present keeper: "The head's name is Cana Ixim in Mayan language (Lady of the Corn in English). The weight, about 4 pounds; Size, 9 centimeters (3.5 inches) width and 10 Centimeters (4 inches) Height. This head formed of green jade."

The person in Guatemala who presently holds this skull recognizes that he is not its guardian, but managed to save this sacred object so it would not end up simply feeding someone's ego in a collection. He wants to put it in the possession of "someone with a heart of love with good hands". It has a sacred history and several healing related anecdotes, so he believes that this crystal skull is meant to be with a healer rather than a collector.

Apparently, the last guardian of this Mayan crystal skull kept it until his death at 85 years of age. The skull was originally found inside a cave that connects to the source of the river Sachichaj in a mountain about 100 miles from Peten, Guatemala (referred to as the Authentic Mayan land). The Sachichaj River (pictured below) possesses a beautiful characteristic in that it has a turquoise color, similar to the color of this crystal skull.

The following excerpt comes from reliable source: "The person tell me that the history he listen from his father and he was hear from his antecessors was that a few days before the skull appears or was found it, in Guatemala was a big volcano eruption and a lot of people die, and the skull ( Cana Ixim ) appears to help and it won't let that never happen again. They use it the heal sick people, snake bites, help woman pregnant (the head was collocate in the stomach of the future mother), ceremony for planting (in Guatemala the indigenous celebrate ceremonies to bless their plantations for good harvest). The most shocking cases are an old lady that can't move her fingers because has it rigid and twisted ( I assume rheum ) - after the ceremony of healing she put hands on the skull she can move her fingers easily. A man that suddenly disappears a big mass (possible Tumor) in his stomach."

Although it probably belongs in a museum, the present keeper recognizes that it is meant to do more good in the hands of a healer than it would gathering dust on a shelf in a lifeless museum where it would be regarded simply as an artifact rather than as a sacred tool. This is why it is priced so affordably even though it is a museum-quality sacred object that could be sold for much more.

Regarding its Mayan name "Cana ixim" ("Lady of the Corn" in English).
it is interesting to note that corn was the sustenance and life supporting force of the people. Corn represents the harvest of abundance, prosperity and plenty. It symbolizes female fertility and male virility.

Metaphysically, properties and benefits of Jade include:

Symbol of purity and serenity; signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility; centers on the heart chakra; increases love and nurturing; protective stone keeps the wearer from harm; believed to attract good luck and friendship; stabilizes the personality; integrates the mind with the body; dreamstone, brings insightful dreams; aids in emotional release, especially iritability; encourages you to become who you truly are, assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awakens hidden knowledge; cleansing stone, aids in elimination; assists fertility and childbirth; blue green jade symbolizes peace and reflection, brings inner serenity and patience, it is the stone for slow but steady progress, helps people who feel overwhelmed by situations beyond their control.

Total Weight:   4 lbs.
Measurement:   3.5 inch W . 4 inch H (approx.)
Origin: Guatemala


No longer available


(The higher price is the market price/retail price, while the lower price is what I may be able to secure for you.)

If you are called to be the new guardians for these crystal skulls, send me an email me ( providing some information about yourselves.

Note: Potential guardians of this sacred Mayan crystal skull may be interviewed to determine whether they are truly aligned with its sacred healing power.


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