Get your own Crystal Skull Now
I have received my crystal skulls a few days ago, faster than expected actually! They are beautiful and powerful and a bunch of things have already shifted in my life. I got a slight cold as a cleansing reaction, my dreams are much more intense and I have much better focus on my business, as well as an improved ability to bring up and deal with old patterns that no longer serve me, particularly when it comes to self-image and dealing with people. All of that is exactly why I ordered the skulls and in a few short days they're already delivering that! I feel calmer, clearer and more centered as well, which puts me much more in tune with the mind of God and in a flow of synchronicity. Just extraordinary! I'm so happy, thankful and grateful! I can only imagine what much larger crystal skulls will do for me in the future! Thank you so much!.(read more testimonials) |
CrystalSkulls.com offers the largest selection in the world of high quality real crystal skulls in all sizes, in a wide variety of stones - from Amethyst to Zebra Jasper and everything in between.
All of our crystal skulls are specially energized and activated just for you by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM, allowing you to benefit from the powerful and healing energies the crystal skulls can facilitate.
We also offer exclusive designer crystal skull power jewelry, the largest selection of crystal skull pendants, plus activation tools, light boxes, as well as crystal skulls energized by the ancient crystal skulls Sha Na Ra and ET.(SHOP BY CATEGORY)
Crystals and gemstones have been used for healing, guidance and divination for thousands of years. One of the reasons that gemstones adorned kings and queens was to support them with wisdom, guidance, healing and power. Crystals have also been used by shaman and medicine men throughout the world, and have been used in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and the Mayans for their mystical and healing powers. (Read More)
Metaphysical properties of stones and how they can support you:
Agate - attracts & protects money; balance; harmony; tranquility; diminishes anger; calms nerves; patience; intuition; communication; self-expression; inspiration; miracles; peace; happiness; hope for the future
Amber - good luck; longevity; vitality; sensuality; magnetism; memory; decisiveness; healing; physical pain relief; stress; calming; grounding
Amazonite - healing; protection; dispels negative energy & fear of judgment; truth; integrity; confidence; communication; calming
Amethyst - opens crown & third eye; guidance; intuition; protection; communion with guides and higher consciousness; detoxifying
Ametrine - (amethyst & citrine) money; intuition; psychic awareness; spiritual enlightenment; protection; transmutes negativity; joy
Angel Aura - past life recall; intuition; spiritual purpose; channeling; connection with Angels and guides; cleanses the aura; access Akashic Record
Angelite - calming; comforting; peace; serenity; grief; guilt; angelic energy; healing all levels; spiritual communication; spirit guides; higher realms; psychic abilities; channeling; peaceful sleep; dream recall; lucid dreaming; astral travel
Aqua Aura - master healer; aligns chakras; heals aura; raises vibration; wisdom; intuition; communication; throat; protection; peace
Aquamarine - calms; soothes; uplifts; confidence; purpose; creativity; communication; releases anxiety & fear: restlessness; peace
Apatite - communication; spiritual guidance; channeling; lucid dreams; astral travel; vision; meditation; weight issues; manifesting
Aragonite - celestial energy; connection to spirit; psychic vision; communication; divine guidance; intuitive accuracy; empathy; compassion; healing all levels; peace with the past; presence; calm; joy; optimism; releases stress; anxiety; anger
Atlantisite - (Stichtite + Serpentine) - Third Eye vision; psychic powers; higher realms; compassion; love; forgiveness; peace; tranquility; access past lives; clears & aligns chakras; attracts love & money; rejuvination; joy
Auralite 23 - all-purpose healer; rejuvenation; anxiety/stress; pain; meditation; astral travel; lucid dreams; past lives; psychic ability
Aventurine - supports healing; well-being; peace; calms anger; dissolves negativity; decisiveness; perseverance; prosperity
Azurite - visionary; insight; clarity; life purpose; mastery; raise vibrations; miraculous; soul development; astral travel
Black Obsidian - purification; transformation; fulfillment; manifestation; psychic ability; power; protection; shields from negativity
Black Tourmaline - protection from negativity, radiation and psychic attack; grounding; balancing; purifying; health and wellbeing
Bloodstone - courage; strength; power; confidence; healing; purifying; activates kundalini; vitality for mind and body; life force
Blue Lace Agate - peace; patience; calming; intuition; knowing; protection; Angelic communion; supports the throat; self-expression
Blue Quartz - soothing; calming; peace; Higher Self; angels; spirit guides; ascended beings; clarity; psychic visions; dreams; meditation; cleanses aura; emotional healing; communication; protects from negativity; fear; anger; depression; uplifting; hope; joy; creativity; memory; concentration; discipline; order
Carnelian -self-esteem; attain goals; focus; creativity; problem-solving; peace; courage; success; positive life choices; grants wishes
Chalcedony - calming; transforms negativity; joy; optimism; light-heartedness; enthusiasm; relieves self-doubt; memory
Charoite - power; transformation; transmutes negativity; intuition; opens third eye; inspiration; creativity; spiritual growth; healing
Chevron Amethyst - relaxation; peace of mind; inner strength; courage; self-discovery; release stress; diminish addictive tendencies
Chrysocolla - master healer; unconditional love; clears guilt/fear/anger/heartache; forgiveness; confidence; creativity; metabolism
Chrysoprase - courage; good fortune; abundance; prosperity; manifestation; clarity; creativity; success; intuition; insight; deep meditation; connect with Divine; life purpose; joy; detox; antidepressant; anxiety; stress; broken heart; forgiveness; independence; self-esteem; self-confidence; attracts new love
Citrine - manifesting success; financial prosperity; clears negativity; centering; empowerment; self-esteem; confidence; willpower
Cryolite - stone of Divinity; higher awareness; awakening; ascension; enlightenment; opening the Third Eye
Dragon Blood - enhances lifeforce; health; courage; strength; self-confidence; endurance; vitality; attracts money; love; achieve goals; forgiveness; compassion; eases loneliness; depression; protection; negativity; heal the heart
Eclogite - ease; deep healing; stress; burnout; will to live; balance; grounding; self-healing; regeneration; uplifting; depression; anxiety; courage; passion; love; vitality; life force; manage pressure; self-confidence; creativity; calm; protection
Elemental Silica - “Stone of the Future”; alchemy; transformation; future technology; newness; amplifier; conductor; transmitter
Emerald - brings luck; prosperity; love; inspiration; peace; patience; healing; immune system; depression; memory; clarity; vision
Epidote - manifest dreams; amplifier; attraction; abundance; good fortune; good luck; prosperity
Fluorite - genius stone; supports creativity; clear thinking; concentration; discernment; truth; decision-making; higher consciousness
Garnet - ignites passion; romance; heals relationships; self-confidence; creativity; vitality; life force; calms anxiety; protection
Golden Healer - master healer; distance healing; Source; oneness; joy; wellbeing; depression; prosperity; success; spiritual purpose
Golden Obsidian - develops clairvoyance; shields negativity; grounding; overcome habits; attracts wealth; prosperity; manifestation
Goldstone - master healer; confidence; attain goals; calming; balancing; uplifting; vitality; courage; protection; grounding; conduit
Green Tourmaline - luck; money; success; abundance; prosperity; manifest goals; creativity; increases income and business opportunities; happiness; joy; transmutes negativity; detoxifying; strength; vitality; weight loss; heals heart; calm; protection; healing; balances chakras; aura; grounding; growth
Hematite - protection; deflects negativity; courage; strength; vitality; self-esteem; confidence; willpower; compulsions; calms stress
Himalayan - master healing stone; highest vibrations; ancient knowledge and wisdom; pure spiritual energy; upper world frequency; enlightenment; ascension; raises frequency of etheric body; cosmic energy
Howlite - memory; knowledge; progress; discernment; overcoming procrastination; achieving ambitions; past lives; astral travel
Hypersthene - extreme strength; protection; grounding; consciousness; awareness; clarity; insight; guidance; opportunities; esteem
Iolite - frequency of Violet Ray; higher realms; divine guidance; divine inspiration; aligns Throat, Third Eye & Crown chakras; clarity; hones intuition; dreams; illumination; vision
Isua - destiny; truth; ancient wisdom; Akashic record; past lives; astral travel; grounding; protection; deflects negativity; boundaries
Jade - all-purpose healer; relaxation; stress; serenity; fidelity; realization of potential; accomplishment; good luck; wisdom; long life
Jasper -protection; courage; strength; survival; justice; health; healing; calm; balance; energizing; stabilizing; motivating; aligns chakras; promotes beauty; inspires joy
Jet - good luck; protects finances; self-reliance; grounding; purifying; protection; depression; grief; healing; insight
Kambaba Jasper - peace; tranquility; quiet mind; meditation; . eliminates negativity; soothes nerves; prosperity; abundance; spiritual confidence; wisdom; ancestral energies; inner peace; happiness; grounding; psychic protection; empowering; focus
Kunzite - unconditional love; peace; comfort; stress; intuition; protection; depression; relieves physical & emotional pain; heals heartbreak & past pain; traumas; fears; calms the heart
Labradorite - transformation; strength; enhances intuition; eliminates illusions; goals; good luck; intuitive wisdom; discernment
Lapis Lazuli - insight; intuition; wisdom; protection; psychic attacks; stress & anxiety; harmony; expression; depression; fatigue
Larimar - ascension; reveals true path; serenity; joy; self-love; self-nurturing; excellent for healers/caregivers; angelic contact; flow
Larvikite - visions; clear insight; clairvoyance; psychic abilities; past lives; cleansing & purifying; detoxifying; metabolism; vitality; youthfulness; brain functions; repels negativity; protection; protects during sleep & travel; grounding; meditation; focus; quiet mind; concentration; creativity; imagination; abundance; wealth; attain financial goals
Lepidolite - success; growth; transformation; calm; soothing; EMF; depression; anxiety; insomnia; addiction; compulsions; self-love; patience; optimism; relieves pain; protection
Libyan Gold Tektite - frequencies of Golden Ray; Divine Will; Universal Life Force; empowering; strengthens willpower; fulfill goals; achievement; attract abundance; prosperity; success; financial growth; highest good; manifestation; protection
Malachite - attracts love; new beginnings; soothes soul; releases stress; clears chakras; spiritual guidance; vision; protection
Meteorite - magnetic; attraction; grounding; connection with other dimensions & ETs; spirit guides; astral travel; inner journeys
Moldavite - from space; synchronicity; makes dreams vivid; facilitates healing; channeling; visions; connects to spirit guides; astral travel; inner journeys; cosmic consciousness; contact other dimensions & ETs; deepens meditation; accelerates highest destiny
Moonstone -brings good fortune; grants wishes; manifests desires; increases affection in relationships; transforms negativity; uplifts
Moon Quartz - intuition; psychic abilities; communication; mystical realms; energy workers; flow of universal energy; calm; relaxation; hope; optimism; balances emotions; focus; creativity; impulse control; healing
Morganite - unconditional love; attract soul mate; Divine Love; deepens relationship; joy; heals the Heart; cleanses emotions; stress; anxiety; traumas; grief; loss; fear; resentment; joy; lightness of spirit; angelic guidance; higher realms; faith in the Divine; trust; confidence; peace; inner strength
Nuummite - transformation; self-mastery; confidence; self-acceptance; self-love; empowerment; recognize one's gifts and talents; personal magic; activates all chakras; increases frequency of synchronicities; good luck; grounding; manifesting wealth & prosperity
Onyx - strength; stamina; courage; self-confidence; self-control; self-mastery; determination; accomplishment; mental focus; stress
Opal - light; joy; optimism; creativity; love; passion; power; will to live; consciousness; intuition; aura; protection; transformation
Opalite - psychic abilities; visions; meditation; communication; success; strength; persistence; sexuality; transitions; healing
Phantom Quartz - heal deeper layers; release shadow self; inner growth; resolves issues of the past; clears aura; access Akashic Record; past lives
Petrified Wood - transformation; removes obstacles; attain goals; strengthens resolve; grounding; new ideas; ancient wisdom; higher knowledge
Pietersite - removes blockages; clears confusion; calm; peace; fear; creativity; realize divine potential; higher awareness; meditation; precognition; inner guidance; intuition; willpower; unconditional love; forgiveness; astral travel; Akashic record
Purpurite - “Stone of Freedom”; life purpose; spiritual path; Ascension; higher frequencies; Higher Self; consciousness; intuition; opens Third Eye & crown chakras; power; meditation; channeling energy & information; higher realms; spirit guides; guardian angels; celestial beings; visions; transformation; mental healing; clarity; creativity; focus; problem-solving; confidence; abundance; success; growth
Pyrite - abundance; prosperity; stability; intelligence; memory; psychic development; creativity; action; psychic shield; protection
Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown
Quantum Quattro - higher frequencies; quantum leap; transformation; detoxification; balance body, mind & spirit; release emotional pain & trauma; fear; stress; anxiety; depression; grief; guilt; deep healing on all levels; cellular and DNA healing; protection; communication; peace; forgiveness; heal relationships; elevate mood; prosperity; abundance
Rainbow Quartz - light; joy; uplifting energy; higher vibrations; full spectrum of color frequencies; healing; elevating moods
Rainbow Obsidian – scrying; clairvoyance/psychic abilities; protection; deflects negativity; calms fear; grounding; joy; love; truth
Red Dolomite - stamina; stops energy leaks; aligns and balances chakras; removes blockages; supports blood & adrenal glands
Red Nuummite - transformation; power; passion; ignites energy; fuels intention; motivation; inspiration; rocket fuel to propel you forward; fulfills your destiny; magnetic; prosperity; abundance; protection; attracts positive change & rapid growth
Rhodochrosite - love; passion; attracts soul mate; uplifts moods; depression; peace; self-worth; self-love; purpose; consciousness
Rhodonite - grounds energy, enhances inner growth, builds confidence, alleviates confusion, calms stress and anxiety, facilitates relaxation, raises self worth.
Rhyolite - transformative power; facilitates change; progress; eases challenges; solutions; creativity; unleash potential; magical; self-realization; fulfill goals; make dreams come true!
Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
Rubellite Tourmaline - abundance; love; passion; joy; courage; self-confidence; dispels fear; clears chakras; energy; vitality; positive attitude; peace; calm
Ruby - "Gemstone of Love"; passion; life force; joy; vitality; prosperity; wealth; power; protection; motivation; focus; concentration; determination; courage; confidence; stamina; strength; weight loss; leadership; success; manifestation.
Rutilated Quartz - focus; clarity; stability; balance; fear; decisions; loneliness; depression; happiness; love; confidence; self-reliance; psychic powers; spiritual experiences; meditation; dream work; spiritual communication; deflects negativity
Ruby Zoisite - trance states; psychic gifts; individuality; awakens crown chakra; transmutes negativity; vitality; healer; energizer; life force; relieves lethargy; illness; stress; joy; spontaneity; laughter; courage; passion; zest for life
Sapphire - communication; insight; intuition; clairaudience; inspiration; spirituality; peace; calm; anxiety; anti-depressant; wisdom; willpower; centering; cheerfulness; luck.
Selenite - high vibration of LIGHT; Divine realms; intuition; Akashic record; past lives; dreams; clarity; joy; inner peace; decisions
Shungite - "Stone of Life" with Fullerenes; health; cellular regeneration; anti-inflammatory; neutralize toxins; EMF protection
Silver Sheen Obsidian - scrying; divination; mirror of the soul; enhances meditation; insights; uncovers truth; grounding; protection
Smoky Quartz – grounding; protection; transforms negativity; elevates moods; stress; depression; abundance; prosperity; good luck
Sodalite -self-trust; self-acceptance; self-expression; unites logic & intuition; deepens meditation; calms the mind; harmony; balance
Star Rose Quartz - unconditional love; radiates divine love; giving and receiving love in all forms; see all in the highest light
Sugilite - spiritual love/wisdom; opens/aligns all chakras; creativity; channeling; intuition; healing; pain; dispels negativity & anger
Sunstone - joy; self-worth; self-esteem; confidence; intuition; optimism; enthusiasm; depression; stamina; energy; self-healing
Tiger Eye - brings money; luck; confidence; courage; willpower; patience; determination; psychic protection; attracts helpful people
Tiger Iron - supports empaths; empowers; self-confidence; passion; stamina; vitality; exhaustion; stress; overcomes fear; protection
Tourmaline - protection from negativity, radiation and psychic attack; grounding; balancing; purifying; health and wellbeing
Turquoise - master healer; balances all chakras; detoxifies; luck; happiness; wealth; success; attracts love; repels negativity; power
Unakite - heals & balances all levels of self, especially heart; balances physical & spiritual; aligns with Higher Self; strength; removes obstacles; releases blockages; emotional pain; anger; personal growth; live in the present; compassion; confidence; courage; self-love; self-acceptance; attracts love
White Dolomite - inspiration; manifestation; creativity; spontaneity; generosity; receiving; relieves sorrow, hurt, loneliness, anxiety
Yooperlite - fluorescent; strength; harmony; balance in life; light to guide you through the tunnel; pain; illness; depression; transform challenges into opportunities; spiritual growth; peace; change; transformation; resilience; pressure; tension; balance; harmony; well-being; positive outlook; inner potential
Zebra Jasper - courage to deal with problems; determination to succeed; completion; avoid over-thinking; enjoy life in the now
Skulls and jewelry may be available in all stones, even if they do not appear on our website – contact us for special orders or requests
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From the moment I opened the package and held this crystal skull in my hands I had the greatest love for it. So much so that I feel like we cannot be apart from one another. I carry it in my pocket or bag. At night it rests by my bedside in the company of an opalite and Angelite Angels and other favorite high vibration stones. I've even seen this crystal skull facing me, in my mind's eye when I meditate. |
Crystal skulls intensify and amplify the power of intention, and hold the specific frequency and resonance of a desired outcome. Crystal skulls carved out of the gems and minerals can aid with the specific areas or issues (of course, this should not be a substitute for traditional medical treatment, but can enhance and support energetic healing).
Click Here to see which crystal skulll is best for a specific:
Physical Issues - Emotional Issues - Spiritual Issues
Thank you once again. It is gorgeous and a helpful. He has got my stomach coverd. The colors are so vibrant and I just love it. I also want to say thank you for the gift. The Carnelian skull, self-confidence, just what the doctor prescribed! |
All of our crystal skulls for sale are specially energized and activated just for you by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM, allowing you to benefit from the powerful and healing energies the crystal skulls can facilitate.
The free CrystalSkulls.com newsletter, CRYSTAL SKULL GUARDIAN, offers you the best way to stay informed of everything that is happening in the world of crystal skulls. You will receive new information, discoveries and insights about crystal skulls. Just fill in this form and you will receive a free bonus gift of a great Crystal Skull e-book.
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For additional information call 1 800 663-6463 or email me directly at md@crystalskulls.com We specialize in helping you find your perfect crystal skull, and if we don't have it we can custom order it, or find it for you through our worldwide connections.
My very first and very beautiful star rose quartz skull has arrived all this way so safely, thank you. I immediately felt the incredible energy and love and after breathing my intentions for our work together, I received the name 'Antara" - when I googled this name it means: near; intimate; soul; heart...I really wept!
My work includes being a channel for spirit and I could feel that Antara had much to share...I have enclosed a few sentences from Antara's message to me:
'I am Antara, I am a divine being of light, here to bring out your light dear one, there is so much work we can achieve together and all the pain and hurt that you have felt up to now shall dissolve in the presence of love truly felt. Love for the first time for yourself! Love that now explodes from your heart centre and opens you to true new beginnings. Dont be afraid of the intense power you can feel in your body now, our energies have now aligned perfectly and you can sense the changes within........'
As a 'newbie' to the world of crystal skulls - I feel like I have arrived home! I read all that you email me and have been researching others, including 'Solar'...who resides in Australia with Lia Scallon as caretaker, hope to travel for a visit one day soon (Australia is a big place)..........Peace and blessings for your business, it is with deep gratitude that I share this testimonial.......you do wonderful work! (read more testimonials) |
I am so thrilled! Thanks. There is so much love emanating from my little tribe so far, I tear up looking at them.(read more testimonials) |
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I have received the skulls and all are so worderful and beautiful and powerful.
I'm very happy and satisfied with the purchase. I'm sure that I am going to buy your skulls
more and more times.
Thank you very much for the gifts. (read more testimonials) |
These crystal skulls were specially activated in a ceremony with AMAR, the rare Tibetan crystal skull that has been used in Tibet for healing and divination. They have also been activated in the presence of the Mayan Blue Jade crystal skull CANA IXIM that has been used in ceremonies for healing, harvest and prosperity. |
For additional information you may call 1 800 663-6463
or email directly md@crystalskulls.com
©2008-2024 Millennium Products for Personal Power,Inc. All Rights Reserved. www.crystalskulls.com
Secrets of crystal skulls revealed, including ancient crystal skulls, 13 crystal skulls, mayan crystal skull. Featuring Real Crystal Skulls for Sale and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
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You could own a
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