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Tibetan Crystal Skull

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Mayan Crystal Skull

Mayan Blue Jade Skull

Crystal Skull Reflections

Reflect & Receive

How get answers and 'download' your message:
1. Pose a question or situation you would like to explore
2. Watch a Crystal Skull Reflections video to receive your insights

Crystal Skull Reflections
Each Crystal Skull Reflection is attuned to a different frequency to allow you to access wisdom and guidance for all facets of life as you may experience optimal results.

What:  Crystal Skull Reflections is a technique you can use in less than 3 minutes to get the next steps towards a specific quest in order to achieve your goals. Crystallography is the science of crystals including crystals responsible for the creation of the radio and the birth of computers/telecommunication age.

How:  It’s a technique, not a meditation  - by watching a REFLECTIONS video this unique method allows you to focus inwards and instead of searching for the answer, you allow for the answer to come to you.  Simply reflect/focus on the images and with each turn you will receive/download another insight to your quest.

Why : A crystal carved in the shape of a crystal skull allows you to connect head to head to more clearly receive your answers.… think of it as a mind-to-mind dialogue: your head connecting to the crystal head.

When: You can use this technique anytime as it is not a traditional meditation or guided meditation so you will remain alert and with your eyes open allowing you to fully receive messages.

Click Here to preview Sample Reflections Video

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We welcome your experiences and feedback so we can share them with potential new users of the Crystal Skull Reflections technique.

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My logiclal mind did not 'agree' with the 'answer' that came via visions within the video - rationally it did not make sense and it still could be coincidence, HOWEVER, applying the action 'donwloaded' it has resulted in the first night in a week that I have been able to sleep better and without pain. (read more testimonials)


From Crystals to Crystal Skulls

It is part of being human to experience many different facets in our lives - but we are also blessed with the possibility to get assistance from stones. Before modern medicine, precious and semi-precious stones were used for enhancement & wellness - as well as for decoration.

A former research scientist for IBM, Marcel Joseph Vogel (1917 - 1991) summarizes as follows: "The crystal is a neutral object whose inner structure exhibits a state of perfection and balance. When
it is cut to the proper form and when the human mind enters into relationship with its structural perfection, the crystal emits a vibration which extends and amplifies the power of the user's mind.
Like a laser, it radiates energy in a coherent, highly concentrated form, and this energy may be transmitted into objects or people at will"

A crystal carved in the shape of a crystal skull becomes different than any other crystals. It inherits a frequency signature that can act like a wi-fi antenna allowing access a whole new world - a sort of internet station to universal data.

more about crystal skulls


The Crystal skull... what purpose do they serve?

Do you simply keep them as a decoration on a shelf? Even if so, their energy permeates and uplifts your space, raising your vibration whether you intend it or not. However, when you apply the power of your intention with your crystal skulls, you can achieve virtually anything you set your mind(s) to!

Crystal skulls, depending on their size, can amplify your intentions exponentially - the greater the crystal skull, the greater the power of amplification, but crystal skulls of any size can increase consciousness if they have come from a conscious source, and have been energized and activated.

crystal skull theories


How Can a Crystal Skull Help You

A crystal skull can help you attract, create and manifest whatever you put your mind to, especially when working with the laws of attraction. Crystal Skulls are like a computer that can be programmed with your intentions, helping you to stay clearly focused on what you want to create, and holding the energetic frequencies to attract the vibration of what you desire, like a magnet. Essentially, crystal skulls are like having another mind to hold your thoughts and focus your intentions.

Crystal skulls have energetic properties that can promote wellness and well-being within the body/mind/heart/spirit. They can bring calm to anyone around them, and can bring peace to their environment. A Crystal Skull can resonate at very high frequencies, helping to raise one’s consciousness, access divine guidance, and enhance intuitive abilities. Crystal Skulls can create an energetic shield of protection around you and your home, protecting you emotionally, physically and spiritually from negative energies. These are just some of the many ways that crystal skulls can help you – each crystal skull is unique, and each stone has specific energetic properties that can help with different issues.

select your own crystal skull


What can a Crystal skull help you attain

Everything in the Universe is energy, vibrating at different frequencies. The higher the vibration, the more light there is; conversely, the lower the vibration, the heavier, more dense and dark something is. When humans are unconscious or in fear, they vibrate at a low frequency, which makes them very heavy and dense - these lower frequencies can also invite darkness, depression and disease. When humans embrace higher consciousness, they vibrate at higher and higher frequencies of love and joy, and radiate light - they hold a very high vibration that promotes balance and wellbeing where disease cannot thrive.

Human vibrations are affected by the energies of thoughts and emotions, both within and around you. What you expose yourself to can affect your energies and vibrations, if you allow it - for instance, the Sun can raise your vibration and increase the Light within you, while the news and media can lower your vibration, filling you with fear and bringing you "down". Whatever you love will raise your vibration and fill you with light and joy; whatever fills you with heavier emotions, such as fear, anger or rage, will lower your vibration.

Like frequency attracts like frequency, because you are resonating on a specific bandwidth of energy, so your thoughts and emotions will attract experiences that vibrate on the same wavelength. Therefore love attracts love, which is why it is said that you must first love yourself in order to attract others to love you. Joy attracts joy, while fear and anger attract more to be afraid of and angry about. The saying "misery loves company" is because misery attracts misery, and can be contagious if you allow the thoughts, emotions, actions and energies of others to affect you and bring you down to their low level of vibration.

You are the master of your own creation, because you have the power over how you choose to respond and react in each moment - you have the power to choose your thoughts and emotions, and the energies that you embody, if you are conscious and aware. Crystal skulls can help you attain and maintain higher frequencies of energy, so you can vibrate at the frequencies of love, light and joy, and thereby attract all that brings you love, light and joy. Crystal Skulls can help you rise above lower vibrational realities, so you can be Light and experience true bliss. So Lighten Up, by ALL means...

This is an excerpt from the Crystal Skull Guardian message from AMAR


A Portal to All That Is

Crystals and crystal skulls contain libraries of information, and can access information from all time and space - past, present and future. Old and ancient crystal skulls hold ancient wisdom, and knowledge of all that they have witnessed and experienced. Newer crystal skulls that have been energized in the presence of older crystal skulls have received downloads of this wisdom, energy and information. When you hold your energized crystal skulls, this energy and information becomes programmed into your crystalline being, into your cells and DNA, giving you greater access to all-knowing, and to All That Is.

The key is that true knowing does not come through the mind, it permeates all levels of your consciousness. The things that you "know" most profoundly are held within the depths of your consciousness. Crystal skulls can assist you to access these depths of knowledge within yourself, and from the Universe itself.

Crystal skulls can also assist you to access the Akashic Record, the "library" of all that has ever been and all that is yet to be. As with any truly spiritual practice, the key is to quiet your mind so you can hear the truth - otherwise the mind is like a child in the back seat of the vehicle filled with impatience and the constant distraction of "are we there yet?"! You will never get "there" as long as your mind is doing the driving. You must surrender the wheel of life to your heart and soul, for that is how you will arrive at your desired destination.

Creating a sacred space can help focus your mind and your intention so you can access true power and knowing. Sitting within a circle of crystal skulls creates a ring of protection, and a portal to access the Infinite. Such a matrix amplifies your power and the power of your intentions, creating a coherent energy field that allows for healing and regeneration of the body, stillness in the mind, peace in the heart, and clarity of spirit. When you enter such a circle, you become a beam of Light, connecting to the All That Is, with access to all that you desire. Use this power well and wisely, for it increases your power exponentially...

Activated and Energized Crystal Skulls


Higher Calling

At the Davos World Economic Forum, Bill Gates (& Melinda Gates) gave a keynote address to the leaders of the World about their efforts in protecting the integrity of the earth. They introduced Theoretical Physicist/Cosmologist, Stephen Hawking, who delivered via video a timely message in his recognizable computer-generated voice. (A shortened version of this profound message was later shared with millions by the iconic band U2)


Recommended Reading on Crystal Skulls


Reflections on Divine Guidance

The Universe is always seeking to communicate and connect with all beings, but this is often more challenging with human beings! The human mind is a very powerful tool that can either assist one or distract one from one's highest good. A mind that is open can access all the knowing in the Universe, while a mind that is closed will not permit the possibility of a new thought. Those who have created the greatest inventions have readily admitted to being inspired through their own imagination and intuition.

Crystal skulls are a way for the Universe to communicate with you. Crystal skulls are a vessel and conduit for consciousness, that can receive and transmit information. Crystal skulls can also record and store information, much like a cosmic computer. As with a computer, all you need to do is be willing to interface with a crystal skull in order to communicate with it. Your mind and consciousness can allow you to program your thoughts, energies and intentions into the crystal skull, and to receive guidance, wisdom, healing, energy and information from your crystal skull.

If humans were more open to listening to and following divine guidance, the Earth experience would be truly divine. The way to experience a life that is divine is to listen to the divine within you. Allow yourself to be divinely guided, and you will be guided to all that is divine...


We will be making available a series of
Crystal Skull Reflections Videos
so you can Reflect & Receive


Thank you for offering such an amazing array of transformational products. Products isn't the right word though; maybe 'conscious works of art' is more appropriate.

I have several of your Crystal Skulls- Amethyst, Citrine, Quartz, Smoky Quartz- but my favorites, and the ones I carry with me all the time, are the Ascension Quartz, the Nuummite, and now the Hypersthene. Between these three I am gaining a clarity of purpose and intent that has so far allowed me to grow and increase my own psychic abilities. My dreams are deep, colorful and purposeful. I have been to read the Akashic Records, and the Hypersthene helps to bring clear answers in a non-judgemental way. The Nuummite has opened up the magical world, and very rapidly! The frequency of synchronicity in my life has increased, which I realize is through the clarity of my focused intentions and thoughts, facilitated by the Ascension Crystal Skull. The Ascension Skull and Nuummite Skull balances the Ego-mind and the Heart-mind perfectly; Yin and Yang, dark and light.

All three are working together, which I intuitively understand is because they were all activated by Amar, and share that loving energy as their base.

Many thanks for your work in bringing these higher dimensional creatures to our world. My life is better for it, and so are the many people I have been able to help with their energies. (read more testimonials)



Listen to a Crystal Skull Reflection Video
with the Sound OFF

Music is very personal thing that people respond to in different ways. If you don’t like the music on a guided meditation, it can distract you from the guided process, or perhaps even make it so you don’t want to listen to the meditation at all. And if you do like the background music, it can also become a distraction as your mind focuses on the music and not on the journey. Listen to a Crystal Skull Reflection Video
with the Sound OFF

Set yourself free to attune to the optimal frequency and imagery for you, without anything to influence your ideal state.




Explore Crystal Skull Guided Meditations

You can access higher states of consciousness, healing, guidance and information with your crystal skulls through guided crystal skull meditations and visualizations.

Each guided crystal skull meditation ranges from under 5 minutes to 10 minutes or longer, thereafter allowing you time to enjoy your newly empowered experience.

You can benefit from a variety of crystal skull meditations created exclusively for

Click Here to see them all here
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13 Crystal Skulls

The Secret World of Crystals

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 Crystal Skull Reflections - a new technique to get answers by watching a Crystal Skull Reflections Video

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