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Tibetan Crystal Skull

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Mayan Crystal Skull

Mayan Blue Jade Skull


Jaap van Etten, PhD

Looking at crystals skulls through a scientific mind, yet pushing the envelope when addressing the crystal skull phenomenon with a rational explanation.

Book : Intercating with a Phenomenon

Crystal Skulls "Interacting with a Phenomenon" summarizes the results of Jaap van Etten's many years of crystal skull exploration and interaction. You will learn to understand crystal skulls, about their different characteristics and their special energies, and how you can use these energies and characteristics for personal growth.


Crystal Skulls ...By Jaap Van Etten, PhD

Crystals can be seen as the most pure form in which consciousness can manifest itself in this reality. This means that they are the best tools in existence to awaken, activate and stimulate our awareness. Being aware, being conscious, is of prime importance for our personal evolution. Crystals can help us to evolve and to transform everything that prevents us from evolving. What is true for crystals is of course equally true for crystal skulls. However, crystal skulls offer even more. They create together a unique field, that to some degree can be compared to the collective (un)consciousness of mankind. This energy field, the collective crystal skull field, has its own unique characteristics.

You can see each skull as a different key to access that field. Of course some "keys" work better than other "keys". Some "keys" give access to only a part of the field. It is through connecting with this field that we will be able to expand our consciousness. Crystal skulls have the shape of a skull. This has nothing to do with a symbol of death. They represent the shape of the human . The skull contains the brain, the organ through which we express ourselves consciously in this reality. The brain is also the place where memory is located; where information is stored. Crystal skulls are seen as storehouses of information. This is especially true for ancient skulls. It is believed that the ancient skulls are downloaded with a lot of information. However, so far only a limited amount of this information has been accessed


Main sections of Crystal Skulls Book

Part 1: What is a Crystal Skull?

Part 2: The Crystal Skull Energies

Part 3:The Thirteen Original Crystal Skulls


You can by buy Crystal Skulls - Interacting with a Phenomenon directly from the author, Jaap van Etten PhD or from Amazon.

Crystal Skulls - Interacting with a Phenomenon

Jaap van Etten, PhD

Jaap van Etten - CRYSTAL SKULLS - Interacting with a Phenomenon
Pub. Date: 2007
Review Rating: *****
"well researched and informative - addresses crystal skulls not mentioned in other books and a new way of categorizing them"
Best Buy

13 Crystal Skulls

Jaap van Etten

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Secrets of crystal skulls revealed, including ancient crystal skulls, 13 crystal skulls, mayan crystal skull. Featuring Crystal Skull Book by Jaap van Etten - CRYSTAL SKULLS - Interacting with a Phenomenon.

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