Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls |
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Empowering You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source for over 16 years!
Vol. 24-08
Special Focus:
& Finding Your Purpose
Dear Crystal Skull Guardian,
PS. when you find an interesting read, please share it on social media (with a mention or link) THANKS!
This month we are featuring:
1. 8-8 Lions Gate Portal Secrets for Manifestation
2. Stonehenge Energized Crystal Skulls
3. Glastonbury - the Mystical Land of Avalon
4. Avebury, the largest Ancient Stone Circle
5. In the Stars this Month
6. What's New
7. Crystal Skull Answers : How to Meditate With Crystal Skulls to Find Your Purpose
8. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month
9. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Achieving Unity in the World"
10. Featured Testimonial: About "Amazing Frequencies"
NOTE: orders placed before August 8th will be included in the powerful 8:8 crystal skull activation matrix with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Crystal Skull CANA IXIM. (unless it has already been specially energized - like at Stonehenge)
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8-8 Lions Gate Portal Secrets for Manifestation |
This year, the Lion's Gate Portal takes place from July 28 to August 12 - this is one of the most exciting and powerful periods in the astrological calendar. The pinnacle of the Lion's Gate Portal is August 8 (8-8), known as the "galactic new year", a time for supercharged manifestation and for setting goals when you can manifest your dreams into reality. In fact, the Lion's Gate Portal on 8-8 is one of the most powerful moments for manifestation in the whole year!
The Lion’s Gate Portal is the moment when the Sun in Leo aligns with the star Sirius, Orion’s Belt and the Earth. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky and is astrologically considered to be our Spiritual Sun. It is also during this time that the Earth aligns with the Galactic Center, connecting the physical realm with the higher etheric realms, giving you the opportunity to fully embody your Divine Self in physical form. This powerful time transmits Light Codes that provide higher awareness, elevate consciousness, enhance spiritual growth, and facilitate transformation as cosmic energies are working together to support you to make a massive shift. Sirius brings wealth, fortune and fame, and the number 8 of 8-8 represents infinite abundance.
This year's Lion’s Gate Portal takes place during Mercury Retrograde, making it a powerful time for re-assessing everything, redirecting your visions, intentions, and manifestations. During the Lion’s Gate Portal, look beyond your current reality and harness the transformative energy of the stars to manifest and attract what may not exist yet on this Earth plane. It is also a good time to break free from any habits that may be preventing you from becoming the best version of yourself.

You can use your crystal skulls to empower and augment your manifestation during the Lion’s Gate Portal:
- Focus on aligning yourself and your crystal skull with the positive energies of Star Sirius, with the Sun, and with the Great Central Sun.
- Holding your crystal skull facing you, breathe your intention into your crystal skull, then turn it so it is facing away from you and speak your intention into the back of your crystal skull, sending it out into the Universe. See your crystal skull sending your intention out on a beam of light, connecting with the energy of what you are choosing to manifest, and attracting that to you irresistibly as your crystal skull aligns your vibrational frequency with the energetic frequency of what you are choosing to attract and manifest. Close your eyes and breathe that manifestation into every fiber of your being, with every cell in your body vibrating at the highest optimal frequencies, feel in your heart that you have manifested it ALREADY, and feel the joy of experiencing that in your life NOW... and let it be SO.
- You can write your intention or affirmation on a piece of paper, or use a photograph or image, and place it under your crystal skull. Feel gratitude that you have already manifested this in your life, and feel gratitude for your crystal skull amplifying the energy of your attraction and manifestation. Every time you see your crystal skull, feel gratitude in your heart that your intention is manifest in your life RIGHT NOW.
- Trust that you are manifesting all that is for your highest and best good at all times, and that you are resonating at the highest optimal frequencies to attract the highest optimal experiences that are even greater than you can imagine!
The Lion’s Gate Portal opens a galactic gateway that shines high-frequency energy into our beings, inspiring new ideas, raising consciousness, and delivering psychic downloads. This is an excellent time for meditation to harness the power of the portal and attune to its vibration. Working with yellow crystal skulls is ideal for empowering manifestation during this time, especially Citrine which attracts wealth, abundance and good fortune. We will also be offering special Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls in our VIP Alert on 8-8 that connect with higher realms - these have been powerfully energized overnight on the Solstice within the sacred stone circles of STONEHENGE and AVEBURY, and in the mystical power places of the Land of AVALON in Glastonbury (see items 2, 3, and 4 below)
Related Weblinks:
Free VIP Crystal Skull Alert :
How to Manifest During the Lion's Gate :
Lions Gate Royal Ruby Crystal Skulls :
"Thank you for these inspirational emails about the Crystal Skulls. This really keeps me on track.. A beautiful reminder to keep going and moving forward."
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Stonehenge Energized Crystal Skulls |
We have been working on a plan for many years to energize crystal skulls within STONEHENGE on the Solstice, and we were finally able to do this! The megalithic stone circle of Stonehenge can only be accessed overnight on special occasions during the Summer and Winter Solstices, because this ancient structure was designed to align with the Sun on the Solstices. During this time, it is a mystical experience to witness the sunset and the sunrise within the stones... dozens of drums beat throughout the night, like a heartbeat awakening the stones, activating the primordial energy and morphogenic resonance of all that they have stood in witness of for thousands of years.

Stonehenge is an ancient complex site known throughout the world for its awe-inspiring stone circle, the size of which can only be truly appreciated when one is standing within the stones. It is a Neolithic and Bronze Age ceremonial site that was in continuous use for around 2,000 years between 3700-1600 BC. The enormous size of its multi-story megaliths, impossibly erected in an exquisite and sophisticated architectural design with a concentric plan, and the precision with which it was built, makes Stonehenge one of the most impressive prehistoric megalithic monuments in the world.
The large stones that form the Outer Circle of Stonehenge are known as ‘Sarsens’ - they are over 24 feet high, covered with a variety of ancient lichen. The Sarsens are sandstones from glacial moraine deposited within the local Salisbury Plain. The stones that form the Inner Circle and the Inner Horseshoe, known as the ‘bluestones’, are massive monoliths of rare Preseli Bluestone that comes from the Preseli Hills in Pembrokeshire Wales, 250 miles away. No one knows why the Preseli Bluestone was so important to our Neolithic ancestors that they would endure a seemingly impossible feat of human engineering, moving huge blocks of this stone 250 miles in order to build one of the world’s most iconic ancient monuments. The Bluestones were set up in the centre of Stonehenge in about 2900 BC.

We brought a select group of crystal skulls with us, including rare Preseli Bluestone, Moldavite and Gibeon Meteorites, as well as several other crystal skulls that were powerfully energized during the night of the Summer Solstice under the tallest Trilithon within the stone circle of Stonehenge (next to the Bluestones and the Altar Stone) with the skulls directly in contact with the immense Sarsen stones. These crystal skulls were also energized on the Solstice in the largest ancient stone circle of AVEBURY, and in the mystical power places of the Land of AVALON in Glastonbury (see items 3 & 4 below, and item 5 to see the stones that were specially energized in these power spots). The energy was further augmented by the Full Moon overnight on the Solstice! (see more images)
Related Weblinks:
Stonehenge Energized Crystal Skulls :
" I thank you for all efforts to fill each stone lovingly with the energies of other skulls and places, as well as making them available to us."
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Glastonbury - the Mystical Land of Avalon |
Our journey with the crystal skulls began on the morning of the Solstice in Glastonbury, before also energizing the crystal skulls overnight within the megalithic stone circle of Stonehenge. Glastonbury has been a place of spiritual pilgrimage for over 1,000 years! In the 12th century, the medieval monks asserted that Glastonbury was AVALON after the discovery in 1191 of the graves of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere on the grounds of Glastonbury Abbey. Under the covering stone of the grave was a lead cross with the inscription Hic jacet sepultus inclitus rex Arturius in insula Avalonia: "Here lies interred the famous King Arthur on the Isle of Avalon".
Our journey began on the morning of the Solstice by climbing up the Tor in Glastonbury. The Tor is a conical hill with seven “terraces” representing the 7 chakras. It is not known how or when these terraces were formed, but archeological findings date back to the Iron Age (around 500 BC in Northern Europe) when the Celts ruled Britain. The terraces are the remains of a medieval "spiral walkway" created for pilgrims to reach the church on the summit. At the top of the Tor there is a stone tower that remains from the 14th Century Church of St. Michael, but it was a sacred site for centuries before. We were greeted in the Tor tower by a singing priestess who directly activated the crystal skulls with her song & crystal bowl...

At the base of the Tor is The Chalice Well, which is a spring that is reputed to have healing waters, flowing at a rate of 25,000 imperial gallons (110,000 litres) per day. The well has been in almost constant use for at least two thousand years, and has never failed, even during drought. The iron-rich waters flow red, and remarkably have three attributes in common with human blood: the water is red; the water coagulates as does hemoglobin; and the water is warm. The Chalice Well itself is a place of healing and spiritual pilgrimages to bathe the feet and drink the legendary waters, especially for women.
Legend says that the Chalice Well is where Joseph of Arimathea placed the chalice that had caught the drops of Christ's blood at the Crucifixion - according to the legend, when he put the chalice in the well, the water turned red. The Holy Grail is reputed to have been hidden nearby at Glastonbury Abbey thereafter… Christian legends state that the abbey at Glastonbury was founded by Joseph of Arimathea in the 1st century. The abbey itself was built and expanded over several hundred years, and by the 14th century was one of the richest and most powerful monasteries in England. The abbey was destroyed under King Henry VIII during the Dissolution of the Monasteries which began in 1536, seizing the land and confiscating its wealth and treasures. Even as a ruin, it's mystical energy is still palpable, and its history is profound... (see more images)
Related Weblinks:
Glastonbury-Avalon Energized Crystal Skulls :
" Just received my skulls and they are beautiful. Very nice energy. Thank you!!"
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Avebury, the largest Ancient Stone Circle |
Avebury in Wiltshire, England, is one of the largest ancient stone circles in the world. It is listed as a world-heritage site, along with Stonehenge which is 17 miles to the south. Avebury is one of the best-known prehistoric sites in Britain, constructed over several hundred years around 2870–2200 BC, during the end of the Stone Age in the British Isles.
Avebury consists of a huge henge (a large earthen embankment surrounding a deep ditch) with a large outer stone circle, and two separate smaller stone circles in the center. The great outer circle of stones has a diameter of 1,088 feet (331.6 metres), with massive stones varying in height from 12 feet (3.6 metres) to 14 feet (4.2 metres). It is thought that there were originally 98 sarsen standing stones, some weighing in excess of 40 tons.
Avebury continues to be a place of spiritual importance today, but it is not known how or why it was originally constructed. Archaeologists believe that it was most likely a sacred place used for some form of ritual or ceremony, or a gathering place. However, evidence suggests that entering the stone circle itself was forbidden, and that people would have watched the ceremonies from the outer earthen embankments surrounding the stones.

The standing stones of Avebury pulse with the energy of all that they have witnessed over millennia, yet one of the most extraordinary features of this ancient henge is a cluster of Beech trees, whose intertwined roots hold the energies of the Tree of Life. (see more images)
Related Weblinks:
Avebury Energized Crystal Skulls :
" I want to thank you so much! The crystal skull you chose and placed to be energised in the Equinox was so perfect. I have a very strong connection with the energy and ts sooooo beautiful too."
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It's In the Stars this Month... |
- Shooting Stars, that is! This month there are 2 meteor showers taking place in the night skies: DELTA AQUARIDS METEOR SHOWER (JULY 18-AUGUST 21), and the PERSEIDS METEOR SHOWER (JULY 14-SEPTEMBER 1), which will peak on August 12-13 at 50 per hour. When these meteors fall to Earth, they create the most powerful crystals, such as Gibeon Meteorite, Moldavite, Libyan Gold Tektite, and Black Tektite, whose energy is literally out of this world!

- The NEW MOON on August 4 also marks the beginning of MERCURY RETROGRADE August 4-27. Although this can be a frustrating time fraught with delays, miscommunication, problems with technology, issues with travel, and caveats against making high-value purchases, it is an excellent time to clean house, complete unfinished business, deal with the past, and focus on inner reflection.
- FULL MOON on August 19 will be a BLUE MOON (a seasonal Blue Moon, the third Full Moon in an astronomical season with four Full Moons)
Related Weblinks:
Select your Crystal Skull by Stone:
" I bought a Carnelian skull from you in April and I want to give you a review on it. It is beautiful and I’m thrilled with it! Thanks"
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What's New |
BIRTHSTONES: August: Peridot / Carnelian / Ruby
In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and special crystal skulls...
The following crystal skulls have all been energized in some of the most powerful places on Earth, augmented by the energies of the Full Moon on the Solstice. They have all been powerfully energized overnight on the Solstice within the sacred stone circle of STONEHENGE, and in the largest ancient stone circle of AVEBURY, as well as in the mystical power places of the Land of AVALON in Glastonbury (see items 2, 3, and 4 above):
Preseli Bluestone is the stone that forms the inner circle of Stonehenge. Preseli Bluestone enhances willpower and courage, and gives enormous strength. This powerful dream stone can access ancient knowledge and healing techniques. It can be useful for shamanic ceremonies and is an effective talisman of protection. It is said to provide an energy link to all magical stone circles and mythical creatures, and connects with Merlin energy. It is a stone of Ancient Mystery and Transformation.

Gibeon Meteorite has been said to give the power to create something from nothing - sensing invisible energy and transforming it into reality. Gibeon has the ability to make your life richer by your creations - one can virtually channel the energy of the Universe. Gibeon Meteorite assists in the evolution of human consciousness. It can access information from the cosmos for the greater good of the Earth and humanity. Gibeon Meteorite is extremely powerful for promoting spiritual growth, enhancing psychic abilities, and connecting with other realms. Meditating with Gibeon Meteorite can open the mind to experience other realities, including past lives, and receiving channelled information from other worlds and extraterrestrial beings. It may heighten information and accuracy for Psychics and Astrologers, and can assist Starchildren to feel more at home.
12 different crystal skull pendants:
Snowflake Obsidian, Hematite, Bloodstone, Grey Mookaite, Goldstone, Tiger Eye, Yellow Mookaite, Aventurine, Rose Quartz, Sodalite, Chevron Amethyst, & Purple Goldstone - All energized at STONEHENGE & GLASTONBURY/AVALON during the SUMMER SOLSTICE! These are on sale this week starting at $26...
7 Flat Chakra Crystal Skulls in 7 different stones:
These crystal skulls are completely flat on the back, so they can be placed directly on the chakras, especially on the Third Eye, allowing for powerful meditations, visionary experiences, spiritual journeys and healing energy. They are excellent for Lightworkers, energy healers, and spiritual practitioners. Placing these flat crystal skulls on the Third Eye promotes profound spiritual awakening, and leaves the Third Eye open safely to experience enhanced clarity of vision, intuitive awareness, and divine guidance
Moldavite crystal skulls are one of the most powerful stones on Earth, energized on one of the most powerful days on Earth, and in one of the most powerful places on Earth. Moldavite is a green Tektite - a green space glass that resulted from a meteor collision with the Earth 15 million years ago. It is one of the rarest gemstones on this planet, and can only be found in one location in the Czech Republic, which has now been almost completely depleted. Moldavite is a tremendous catalyst for awakening and transformation that has the power to accelerate spiritual evolution. Some think of Moldavite as the "Spiritual Grail" as it can accelerate the path to one's highest destiny, so it is appropriate for these Moldavite crystal skulls to have been energized in Glastonbury, where the Holy Grail was once reported to have been hidden.
AND... next week in our VIP Alert on 8-8, we will be offering special Libyan Gold Tektite crystal skulls that connect with higher realms - and we will also be offering Black Tektite Crystal Skulls and Black Tektite Skull Beads. These have all been powerfully energized overnight on the Solstice within STONEHENGE, and at the sacred stone circle of AVEBURY, as well as in the mystical power places of the Land of AVALON in Glastonbury (see items 2, 3, and 4 above.)
Related Weblinks:
Free Weekly VIP Alert :
"I showed my sister the moldavite skull, and she totally agrees that cute little thing has my hair, LOL! I knew it the moment I first saw her on your site. LOL Ever since the crystal skulls came to my life, I have felt their power, and the power they send me truly feels outer-worldly"
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Crystal Skull Answers :
How to Meditate With Crystal Skulls to Find Your Purpose |
At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:
QUESTION: "Thank you. Look forward to receiving my power trio [Preseli Bluestone, Gibeon Meteorite, and Moldavite crystal skulls energized at STONEHENGE.]
Is there any specific way you recommend I meditate with these crystal skulls? I am at a transformational stage of my life where I am seeking my purpose and how to live a life that is aligned with my true self. Any guidance would be most appreciated!"
ANSWER: These three crystal skulls - Preseli Bluestone, Gibeon Meteorite, and Moldavite - are a powerhouse trio of some of the most potent crystals on Earth! All three of them are powerful stones of Transformation, and should propel you forward in this transformational stage of your life. First, I would suggest working with one of them at a time, holding each one in your hand and allowing its energy to pulse through your body and to raise your frequency and vibration - state the intention that this should be gradual, gentle and easy, raising your vibration to the highest optimal frequencies. It would probably be best to work with each one for a day or two before moving to the next one, starting with the Preseli Bluestone, then the Gibeon Meteorite (you may want to wear gloves, or put a tissue in your hand with the Gibeon as they are very susceptible to moisture), then work with the Moldavite last.

Once you have become comfortable with each of them, next I would suggest meditating with the Gibeon Meteorite in your right hand, and the Moldavite in your left hand - focus on bringing them both into balance, as you balance your masculine and feminine energies. Breathe, and focus on raising your vibration again to the highest optimal frequencies. Once this becomes comfortable, I would suggest laying down with the Gibeon and Moldavite skulls in your hands as above, adding the Preseli Bluestone crystal skull to your heart. Breathe into your heart, and ask your heart what makes you happy? What gives you joy? What gives you peace? What inspires you? What moves you? What fulfills you? Who needs your help? How can you help them? What is it that ONLY YOU can do? Who do you want to serve, and how do you want to serve them?
You can then place either the Gibeon or the Moldavite crystal skull on your Third Eye on your forehead (or eventually both of them together, if it is energetically comfortable for you), keeping the Preseli Bluestone on your heart. Feel the crystal skulls aligning your heart and your mind together, so that your mind knows what your heart desires, and your heart knows what you have in mind that is most important to you. Allow your heart and your mind to connect with your Higher Self, and allow yourself to visualize a river of light, which is the stream of consciousness and your life path - see yourself jumping into this river of Light, flowing with the Light, being guided with ease to your greatest joy, your highest bliss, and your deepest fulfillment... trust the flow that presents itself to you on your path. Then ask for 3 clear, easy and gentle signs to guide your way - and pay attention in the following days to everything that comes in 3's, so you cannot dismiss, deny, or ignore the guidance...
Related Weblinks:
Stonehenge Perseli Crystal Skulls :
Stonehenge Gibeon Crystal Skulls :
Stonehenge Moldavite Crystal Skulls :
"Thank you very much. I have received my second skull and they have both made their purpose towards me very clear! I couldn't make this up even if I wanted to. I can understand why they had to come as a pair for where I am at right now. Thank you again fo your guidance and wonderful service."
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DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month |
PLEASE NOTE: For quicker shipping, choose Tracking for $1.95 additional - or you can get your crystal skull(s) even faster with an upgrade to Expedited Express Shipping for $9.95 which INCLUDES TRACKING (and can arrive in 2-5 days - even internationally).
a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a complimentary e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...
b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini AVENTURINE CRYSTAL SKULL - Aventurine supports healing on all levels and is a positive stone of prosperity.

- Orders over $250 also get a UNAKITE CRYSTAL SKULL PENDANT - Unakite heals and balances all levels of the self, especially the heart.
- Orders over $500 automatically receive all of these free gifts, PLUS a mystery crystal skull gift
c) Get FREE USA SHIPPING when you buy AT LEAST 3 OR MORE regular-priced crystal skulls - must use coupon code: Buy3USA during checkout (some exceptions apply; excludes sale items, large skulls, and overseas orders) Free shipping applies to USA only, takes 10-14 days and does not include tracking.
Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
Start your search for crystal skulls here :
"Thank you! I also wanted to thank you for the free gifts you threw in on my last order! I really appreciate it!"
9) |
A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"Achieving Unity in the World" |

In these precarious times, the forces of chaos and forces of darkness are sowing seeds of discord and sabotaging all that is GOOD, infiltrating the hearts and minds of loving souls and rendering them adversaries, creating adversity wherever and whenever possible in order to undo everything… The motto of the UNITED States is “United we stand, divided we fall”; this is actually the TRUTH for all mankind, and is more important now than ever. It is essential that states of mind and states of heart be UNITED, yet, more and more seeds of division are being sown, even among the more “enlightened”, and it is tearing the fabric of consciousness apart…
You must all come TOGETHER now, more than ever, yet ego and division are driving everyone and everything apart, and the fabric of CREATION is coming apart at the seams on Earth. This is a dire situation, and it MUST be healed before it is too late. It is division that causes wars, and only unity can create peace – this is true all over the world, but it is also true within the individual… you must find unity within you in order to have true peace; unity and peace within becomes reflected in unity and peace in your world. Whatever you see going on around you is a reflection of what goes on within, so if you are experiencing turmoil and battles within you, that will be your experience in your world.
The Olympic Games are a model of CO-OPERATION, where competition also leads to comraderie as people from all walks of life and from all over the world come together in the spirit of sport. They have devoted their lives to doing their best, and at the games, they exhibit what it is to BE their best, win or lose. Rivals are not adversaries, but actually serve to inspire each other with greatness. And the whole world can celebrate the achievement of others, even when it is not their country that is achieving... This is a phenomenal achievement in and of itself, when the whole world can come together in PEACE every 2 years! With this Olympics taking place during the Lion's Gate Portal, perhaps it can be a gateway to peace in the world, making the world WHOLE, if everyone focuses on achieving that - with the help of the crystal skulls... This is especially important at this time when world peace is truly at stake... Thank YOU and your crystal skulls for your contribution to UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS and ONENESS, for we all WIN when we are ALL ONE.
Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :
" I received my beautiful crystal skull on Friday! Yesterday I cleansed it a bit with sage and listened to your audio explaining how to get to know your new crystal skull. I then facilitated an introduction to the other crystal skull I have. All is working out well. Thank you again! I'm very pleased and excited to work with this Amazonite skull. Have a beautiful day!"
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Featured Testimonial : About "Amazing Frequencies" |
" What an absolute Blessing it has been working with the Crystal Skulls. I was so excited to receive my latest order which came in super quick time considering i am in Perth Australia. I didn't know which one to meditate with first as they were all calling out to me. I picked up the Golden Healer and oh my goodness. I obviously needed the super high frequencies and the healing vibrations that buzzed in my hands. I felt elated.
The amazing frequencies that emanate from all these Crystal Skulls is astounding. They vibrate in your hands. I really look forward to my Meditation practice everyday. Since my last purchase my healing room is buzzing with positive Vibes. I highly recommend These Crystal Skulls from They are incredibly healing and have become my close friends.
I forgot to mention that my Selenite Crystal Skull gave me the name Liberty.... Well... what more can i say… Thank you so much for your service to the world as without you at i would have never known about these amazing Crystal Skulls.
Much gratitude also for the beautiful free gifts that came with my order. They are all stunning and are part of my Crystal Skull Family. I appreciate you all,"

We would welcome hearing from you regarding how you work with your crystal skulls - and how they benefit you. We would love to hear from you in writing / video / photographs by emailing us directly to
PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull SHA NA RA; the Ancient Crystal Skull RAINBOW; the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten; or the world-famous MITCHELL-HEDGES Crystal Skull).
Experience the power of our offerings for yourself: While crystals are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment, they can enhance and support energetic healing. When a particular mineral/stone is carved into a crystal skull, it becomes imbued with consciousness and can become a powerful magnifier of your intentions, augmenting the power of its energetic potential.
May you enjoy Love, Light & Peace,
MD & the Team
Experience the power of our offerings for yourself

Crystal Skulls for Sale| What Makes Us Different| Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR| Free VIP Alert |
• • Highest Quality Crystal Skulls• 1 800 663-6463 •