Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls
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Empowering  You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source
Vol. 18-12
Special Focus:
Celestial Events &
Helping Humanity
Dear %$firstname$%,

This month we are featuring:
1. Holiday Specials & Shipping Guidelines
2. Celestial Events This Month
3. Passive versus Active Crystal Skulls
4. Crystal Skulls for the New Year
5. World Human Rights Day December 10
6. What's New
7. Crystal Skull Answers : Pendulum Prediction
8. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month
9. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "The Greatest Gift is Presence"
10. Featured Testimonial: About "Long Prosperous Friendship"

NOTICE OF SPECIAL ACTIVATION CEREMONY : all orders placed between December 18 to December 21 will be included in our very special Solstice Activation and Full Moon Ceremony on December 21 & 22, and will only arrive in the beginning of January. (Orders placed before December 18 will be shipped as quickly as possible to arrive in time for Christmas* - see article #1 below.)

Our office will close for the holidays on December 22 - the next activation after the Solstice will take place for the Super Full Moon January 21, and shipping will resume January 22.

  1)   Holiday Specials & Shipping Guidelines   

As we approach the 12 days of Christmas, we are offering the "12 Deals of December": every day between December 1st  to 12th we reveal a Special Skull Deal... Hum along to the tune of "The Twelve Days of Christmas" to reveal these Holiday specials, with 3 days remaining to benefit from all of these deals:

♬ On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me:
Twelve Pendant Set
Eleven Pouches Hanging
Ten Percent Off Coupon
Nine Ladies Jewelry
Eight Pound Skull
Seven Chakra Set
Six Mirror Light Boxes
Five Brass Pendulums
Four Book Library
Three Pocket Skulls
Two Heads Pendulum
...and a Skull in a Stocking Bag♬

Click here to see up to 60% off on these 12 Deals of December and remember these important shipping dates:

Important Holiday Shipping Notice

Ordering before December 12 will assure Christmas delivery.

Certain items can be ordered as late as December 18

See all the details in our Holiday Guide.

And remember, crystal skulls make wonderful gifts for life!

Related Weblinks:
Shipping and Holiday Guide :
12 Deals of December :

"I did receive my most recent two orders together this week which included an ET activated skull as well as an Ascension skull activated in your Full Moon ceremony on Thanksgiving night. I absolutely love them and all I've received from you! Such great energy and was able to connect with each right away. They have brought a peace to myself and home and am so grateful. I can't wait to work with each more. I also just started using my advisor pendulum. I have many but this one is definitely my favorite already!!  Thank you again and for the nice note in my order as well as your great communication!  Will be ordering again soon!"

  2)   Celestial Events This Month  

This month of December we have a Heavenly Host of Celestial events that are both astronomical and spiritual:

3-10: Happy Hanukkah!
8: Bodhi Day - Buddhists celebrate Gautama’s attainment of Enlightenment on this day under the Bodhi tree
8: Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholic)
10: International Human Rights Day (see article 5 below)
13/14: Peak of of the Geminid Meteor Shower - the year's best and most reliable at 100 "shooting stars" per hour!
21: Yule
*21: SOLSTICE takes place at 22:22 UTC (quite an Auspicious time!)
(22: Final day of shipping for until January 22)
22/23: Ursid meteor shower – not as visible because of Full Moon
24: Christmas Eve
25: Christmas Day
26: Boxing Day
26: Zaratosht No Diso - Zoroastrian (Iranian) - solemn occasion of the death anniversary of Prophet Zarathushtra
31: Omisoka - Japanese festival prepares for new year by cleansing Shinto home shrines and Buddhist altars. The bells of Buddhist temples are struck 108 times to warn against the 108 evils to be overcome.
31: Hogmanay - celebration in UK/Scotland for clearing one’s debts, cleaning the house, welcoming guests and strangers
31: New Years Eve

And in January there will be several notable Celestial events:

1: New Years Day
3: Earth’s Perihelion – Earth closest to the Sun
3/4: Quadrantids meteor shower
5/6: Partial Solar Eclipse
21: TOTAL LUNAR ECLIPSE beginning at 2:36am UTC ending at 7:48am UTC - visible throughout the Americas
(22: shipping resumes after SUPER FULL MOON ACTIVATION)

Related Weblinks:

Exercise for Winter Solstice :
About Winter Solstice :
What is a meteor shower :
How to see a meteor shower :

"I did the meditation during the Moon eclipse and it was very powerful and I felt the energies shifting, very intense and beautiful."


  3)   Passive versus Active Crystal Skulls  

Once you get your crystal skulls - WHAT DO YOU DO? There are basically two trajectories : you can actively engage with your crystal skulls - or passively benefit from the energy of your crystal skulls.

Being passive is when you simply place your crystal skulls somewhere and "forget about them" - or just look at them sometimes. You can keep crystal skulls at home, by your bed, at work, in your car, in their bag - and simply leave them there. The presence of a crystal skull near you does have an effect, so even if you "use them” passively, the crystal skulls will still work for you and benefit you (as long as they are not behind glass, which can confine their energy). Passive use will provide positive energies to your environment, at home or at work, and will positively impact everyone around them. When you give crystal skulls to someone as a gift, they can passively benefit the recipient just by being in their environment, even if the person does not know how to work with them actively.

However, if you want to optimize the effect of crystal skulls in your life, then you can take a more active role in working with them consciously and intentionally:
- Keep a crystal skull close to you, in your pocket, or in your bag and when called upon, in your hand - Nuummite can facilitate amazing positive changes and accelerate transformation, while also being very grounding and protective.
- Wear a crystal skull pendant or Designer Crystal Skull Jewelry to benefit from having the power, healing and protection of crystal skulls with you at all times.
- While lying down, place a crystal skull on your body on an area you would like some healing or improvements - turquoise and jade are especially great for healing, and quartz is an all-purpose healing stone. A 7 Crystal Skulls Chakra Kit can bring balance and healing to all the chakras.
- Consider sleeping with a crystal skull in your hand or under your pillow, like Amethyst or Lapis to receive divine wisdom and guidance while you sleep, and aquamarine and sodalite are good for calming the mind and body for sleep.
- Certain crystal skulls could be placed in water to create an elixir - just make sure they are large enough not to accidentally swallow - and avoid certain stones that should not get wet, like Pyrite, Malachite, Angelite.  You may find that an Amethyst Crystal Skull can help in cases of addiction, and an Apatite Crystal Skull may help diet goals.
- Hold your crystal while meditating - choose a particular guided meditation to focus and accelerate a certain outcome or exploration. Holding your crystal skull facing you brings energy into you, which is excellent for self-healing, receiving guidance and empowerment. Holding your crystal skull so it is facing away from you sends energy and intention out into the world and the Universe, which is excellent for sending healing to someone else or to the planet, and for declaring your conscious intentions to attract what you choose to manifest.
- Squeeze a crystal skull when you feel pain, particularly a quartz crystal skull which has piezoelectric properties. One of our first customers was a Vietnam veteran who had been on morphine for 10 years - he said that he would squeeze a small quartz crystal skull energized by AMAR whenever he felt pain, and within three weeks was no longer on morphine... (it is not guaranteed that you will experience those results, but it certainly cannot hurt to try!)

You may find that a certain crystal skull wants to double-task and may serve many purposes ... and you will more likely find that crystal skulls of different minerals will come forth to assist in different areas of your life, and you may be guided to use a different one every day.

Related Weblinks:
Crystal Skull Stone Guide:
Working Actively with Crystal Skull Meditations :

"My Pocket Crystal Skull arrived four days ago and it is already a very dear companion. When I leave the house it is in my pocket and when I'm home I'm holding it in my hands or it sits on the table in front of me. At night it sleeps under my pillow and I have vivid dreams. It is so light and love filled and I feel honoured to be its guardian. It is very special that it was energized by Amar and Cana Ixim. I alredy look forward to save up and adopt a bigger crystal skull from you, this small one feels wonderful so I can only imagine how lovely a lemon sized skull from you will feel."

  4)   Crystal Skulls for the New Year  

Crystal skulls can support you and your loved ones through the holidays as we approach the gateway of the New Year:

- Crystal Skulls for Manifestation - In preparation for the NEW YEAR, you can create a circle with your crystal skulls to act as a 'wishing station', placing all of your intentions in the center of the circle so the crystal skulls can amplify the energy of the intentions and attract them into your reality. Remember to always state any intention in a positive way (ask for what you want, not what you don't want), and gratefully affirm that it is in your life now. For example: "I am grateful that I am perfectly healthy and that all systems in my body are functioning optimally now." You can also invite your loved ones and guests to participate by writing a wish for themselves on a piece of paper and place it in the center of your crystal skull circle. The more joy and loving energy you put into it, the more attractive you become, and the faster you allow for manifestation to take place.

- Crystals placed strategically in your home can help promote peace, joy, and diffuse possible negativity. Here are some recommendations: Citrine, Pietersite, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Carnelian, Chevron Amethyst, Rhodochrosite, and especially Rose Quartz.

- During the Holidays, diets are challenged and food indulgence prevails, often leading to later digestive and stomach problems.  Crystal Healers have identified some crystals that could assist with digestive issues: Rhodochrosite, Amethyst, Citrine, Carnelian, Fluorite.

- Several stones can help support New Years resolutions, especially for weight loss: Green Tourmaline, Sunstone, Apatite, and Amethyst.

- Some stones are excellent for detoxification after over-indulging: Amethyst is helpful in reducing withdrawal symptoms and supporting sobriety, and it is said to help one avoid and recover from intoxication and addiction.

As we are now fast approaching the pivotal year 2020, this next year of 2019 is a gateway to Ascension and to manifesting your 2020 vision for yourself, for humanity, and for this planet. In preparation for the New Year, there are several ways you can work with crystal skulls to propel you forward, and accelerate your transformation and fulfillment, including working with 3 of the most powerful stones on Earth:

- Ascension Crystal Skulls are very rare ultra-clear quartz, citrine and smoky quartz that are nearly flawless - they hold the light, glow with light and raise your vibration and consciousness. Ascension crystal skulls are so clear that you can read through them, making them very powerful to magnify and amplify the law of attraction when you place them on top of your desired intention. They also have the camera effect where you can look through the back of the skull and see through the eyes like a camera, enabling you to record and program whatever you see and desire into your crystal skull to assist you to manifest and attract that vision into your life. This week we are offering breathtaking new Ascension Quartz, Citrine and Smoky Quartz crystal skulls on sale in a range of sizes, including a spectacular once-in-a-lifetime Ascension Quartz Traveler crystal skull that is completely clear like water! These Ascension Crystal Skulls are hand-carved in Brazil, and the carvers tell us that these top quality AAA grade ultra-clear crystals have become almost impossible to find...

- Nuummite Crystal Skulls - Genuine Greenland Nuummite is a powerful stone for transformation. It assists one to come into full power, and to recognize one's gifts and talents. It is a stone of personal magic, increasing the frequency of synchronicities and "good luck" in life. It is also a stone for grounding and manifesting wealth and prosperity on the Earthly plane. It helps one develop self-mastery, confidence and self-acceptance, supporting one to love all aspects of oneself. In the next week, we will be offering extremely rare Nuummite with Garnet on sale to facilitate transformation and manifestation in the year ahead... (Sign up for VIP alert)

- Moldavite Crystal Skulls - Moldavite has been so highly prized for thousands of years that it has been given as gifts between members of royalty. Legends say that Moldavite was the green stone in the Holy Grail, and that is has the power to accelerate spiritual evolution. Those who work with Moldavite can attest that it is one of the most powerful metaphysical tools on the planet, and is extremely supportive for those who feel that they don't belong here. Moldavite increases one's frequency and energetic vibration, and is a tremendous catalyst for awakening and transformation. To support your accelerated evolution for 2019, we are offering our current stock of ultra-rare Moldavite crystal skulls on sale at 30-35% off for the next 2 weeks (including some of the largest Moldavite skulls on Earth) - and we will also be introducing some new small Moldavite crystal skulls in our Solstice VIP Alert December 20.

Related Weblinks:
Crystal Skull Specials :
Physical Healing Crystal Skull Guide:
Emotional Healing Crystal Skull Guide:
Spiritual Healing Crystal Skull Guide:

I'm super impressed, I just got my first crystal skull which was a nuummite skull, and within an hour I was already blown away, I tried scrying with it and I was getting some really clear pictures, and pretty quickly too"


  5)   World Human Rights Day December 10  

Perhaps more than ever, it is important to know your rights, and respect the rights of others. According to the UN: "This year, Human Rights Day marks the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a milestone document that proclaimed the inalienable rights which everyone is inherently entitled to as a human being -- regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. It is the most translated document in the world, available in more than 500 languages.

Drafted by representatives of diverse legal and cultural backgrounds from all regions of the world, the Declaration sets out universal values and a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. It establishes the equal dignity and worth of every person. Thanks to the Declaration, and States' commitments to its principles, the dignity of millions has been uplifted and the foundation for a more just world has been laid. While its promise is yet to be fully realized, the very fact that it has stood the test of time is testament to the enduring universality of its perennial values of equality, justice and human dignity. 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights empowers us all. The principles enshrined in the Declaration are as relevant today as they were in 1948. We need to stand up for our own rights and those of others. We can take action in our own daily lives, to uphold the rights that protect us all and thereby promote the kinship of all human beings."

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: "All human beings are BORN FREE and EQUAL in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."

Unfortunately, this ideal has yet to be adopted in many countries, including China, especially regarding China's ongoing occupation of Tibet since 1950, just two years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At this time of the year, many of us in the West have much to celebrate, including our freedom, but there are many peace-loving prisoners of conscience who cannot celebrate today... Tibetan shopkeeper Tashi Wangchuk was detained in January 2016 for advocating for Tibetans to be educated in their own language. In 2015 the New York Times documented his attempts to use Chinese law to secure this basic right for all Tibetans. Tashi now faces a 15-year prison sentence and is at extreme risk of torture. Watch his moving story.

You can play your part in the world’s biggest human rights event, proving that the pen (or keyboard) is mightier than the sword! Every December, Amnesty supporters across the globe will write millions of letters for those whose basic human rights are being attacked. They are people like you, continuing a long tradition of writing letters to right some of the world’s biggest wrongs. Sometimes a letter can change someone’s life. That’s the promise of Write for Rights, Amnesty’s global letter-writing campaign. This year honours some of the millions of women rising against injustice – and paying a heavy price as a consequence. Your words really can change and even save their lives...

Related Weblinks:
Help Keep Tibetan Culture Alive:

Thank you for the reply and offer of guidance. I appreciate it... you always picked out a perfect match for me every time... That gives me perfect confidence in your judgment." 


  6)   What's New  

BIRTHSTONES for December : Turquoise / Lapis / Onyx / Ruby / Topaz / BloodstoneNEW YEAR : Nuummite - to support and empower transformation for the New You for the New Year!BIRTHSTONES for January : Garnet / Emerald  (order before December 20th for precious gifts for those born in the month of January)

In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and unique crystal skulls, such as:

Ascension Crystal Skulls : the highest quality and purest crystal skulls including the most spectacular flawless quartz Traveler crystal skull

Ascension Dec 21, 2012

24 Kt Gold Coated & Opalescent Crystal Skulls - Celebrate the Holidays and New Year with these unusual radiating crystal skulls

Ancient ET Energized Life-Size Ruby Zoisite Crystal Skulls - Natural healers in Asia have used Ruby Zoisite for centuries for communication with the spirit world as well as for healing.

A-Z New Selections - one-of-a-kind crystal skull offerings, including a huge X-tra large 38 pound Citrine Crystal Skull at over 50% off,  a spectacular Elestial Crystal Skull, a rare Face Double Crystal Skull, a giant Double-Star Rose Quartz Crystal Skull, and more...

Turquoise Crystal Skulls - treasured throughout the world for thousands of years, from the Ancient Egyptians, to the Tibetans, to the Aztecs and the Native Americans. Turquoise was reserved for the Gods – it was so revered in ancient Mexico that mere mortals were forbidden to behold.

Related Weblinks:
Select your Crystal Skull by Stone:
Free Weekly VIP Alert :

"I truly love the ascension Skulls from you so much. They go with me absolutely everywhere! My go to stones are really smoky and clear, but I also want to purchase a really nice citrine one of ascension quality".

  7)   Crystal Skull Answers : Pendulum Prediction  

At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:

QUESTION: "Can the pendulum predict the future of what will happen? With the yes and no answer? "

ANSWER: The future is always changing, with every choice you make your future possibilities change. The pendulum can help you to make the best choices for yourself - for your present, which affects your future experience. It is important that you word your question carefully and clearly in order to get the clearest and most accurate answers (we include sample questions and an explanation of this in the instructions included with the pendulum). The more you have expectations or desires about the outcome, the more you will cloud your pendulum results, so it is best to remain mentally and emotionally neutral with no hopes or expectations - remain unconditionally open to receiving the most accurate truth. With that said, there is no tool and no person who is 100% accurate when predicting the future, so it is always best to work with the present so you can create the best possible future for yourself.

QUESTION: "How accurate is the yes and no pendulms when answering the question?  And is this pendulum that I will be receiving is it Crystal? Or is it like a gemstone? moonstone, labradorite,amethyst? Or plastic or glass"

ANSWER: A great pendulum (like ours) can indeed increase the accuracy of answers, particularly to questions that have a clear yes or no answer. We have several Crystal Skull Advisor Pendulums available in a variety of crystals. This week, we also have a very special offer for the original Diamond Pendulum, which has been rated as one of the most accurate and responsive pendulums in the world. Preferred by many expert dowsers, the Diamond Pendulum is also easy for beginners to learn to use right away with the simple illustrated instructions that come with it. The Diamond Pendulum is solid brass and gold plated in a double-pyramid shape like a diamond - it is highly conductive for electromagnetic energy, and the shape of the pendulum makes the answers very easy to read. There is more information on -and this week, for the 12 Deals of December, we have a special offer for 5 Diamond Pendulums, so you can give the gift of accuracy to your friends and loved ones, and benefit from some for yourself!

Related Weblinks:
How Pendulums Work :
Crystal Skull Advisor Pendulums :

"Just received my new Himalayan crystal pendulum! Firstly I love the instruction sheet. From the moment I programmed this little skull I started getting answers immediately! I am impressed that I don't have to wait for the skull to face forward, she just starts answering no matter which way she faces! She is light and very responsive. Also so beautifully carved, wonderful to look at. Nicely constructed, she will be with me for a long time.

She seems to be more sensitive and quicker at answering than my other pendulums. She is very good at letting me know the energy gender of my skulls. And whether the names chosen for them are the names they want.  So, because I am so happy with THIS Himalayan pendulum, I have already bought another one to give as a birthday gift...!

Thanks for making activated/energized crystal skulls available to us, there is NO comparing a non-activated/energized skull with one that has the energy of an activated skull. They are little beings, ready for service to humanity. Thank you SO much."


  8)   DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month  

a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...

Ulitmate Crystal Skull Guide

b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini GOLDSTONE CRYSTAL SKULL that is a Master Healer Stone. Goldstone has glittering flecks of copper that make it sparkle all over. It promotes confidence, and helps attain goals. It generates positive energy, deflects unwanted energies, and is good for protection.
- Orders over $250 also get a CRYSTAL SKULL PENDANT
- Orders over $500 automatically receive all of these free gifts, PLUS a mystery crystal skull gift

c) If shipping charges reach $15, we will prioritize your order to arrive most places in under 7 days - instead of 14 days or more. (Click here to add $7.95 for priority shipping). We review all shipping charges and refund accordingly.

Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
Start your search for crystal skulls here :

"I truly love the skulls and will certainly continue to be a customer. Thank you very much again for everything.


  9)   A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"The Greatest Gift is Presence"

(Note: AMAR asked us to repeat this message from last month as a reminder of what is truly most important as we gather with family, friends and loved ones for the holidays, and every day that we are blessed to be together...)

crystal skull Amar

Your presence is the greatest gift that you can give to yourself, and to others. To be fully present is to be fully empowered, for you can only embody your power in the present moment. Most people are distracted from the present, living in a powerless state of dwelling in the past or the future, or in some virtual reality. When you are fully present, you can become fully conscious, and when that occurs, you have the power to become omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent! In that state of presence, you have the power and potential for instant manifestation!

But most people squander this opportunity to be present… they are not present with themselves, nor are they present with their loved ones even when they are in the same room together – even when they sit at the same table. These upcoming holy-days are opportunities to gather with loved ones and share your gifts – give yourself and those you love the gift and the respect of being fully present with them and with yourself.

When you are fully present, all of your senses become heightened – you become more conscious of what you are tasting, hearing, smelling, seeing and feeling, and your abilities for perception increase to the point where you have extra-sensory perception, or ESP. Make it an exercise to be fully present with all that you are doing in the moment: really taste and savor your food, smell the air, truly listen to the conversations around you, gaze into people’s eyes, and look up from your devices/vices!

When you fully experience the present, you will awaken, and a whole new reality will present itself to you… your crystal skulls can assist you with your focus, and can help heighten and amplify your experiences, including increasing your reception to extra-sensory perception. Give the gift of your presence to yourself and others, and you will receive infinite presents and gifts in return… And remember, the more you are grateful and thankful, the more you will have to be grateful and thankful for! Count your blessings so they may indeed multiply, because like energy attracts like energy…  Joy begets more joy!

Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :

"The package has arrived safely and all the skulls placed with the others. I admire your ingenuity in getting the package off from [where the activation took place] and am grateful for the careful packaging."

  10   Featured Testimonial : About "Long Prosperous Friendship"  

"I just had to write about my last purchase as I am so thrilled once again.  I have several wonderful Amar, ET and Sha Na Ra charged skulls from you in different crystal and mineral forms but this newest, a large Azurite beauty is just astounding, both to look at in person and the energies are non stop when you hold it....I mean non hands and arms tingling intensely with super charging contact. I didn't pick out the ones with the overall even look of the Azurite mix but this one who picked me out actually, is somewhat blotchy in spots but still loaded with the blues and greens in stand out amounts around her. Her head is somewhat cream to white in purity and the back of her head has a large dark area with sparkles which call me into outer space. I write all this to let you know ALL of her is fabulous with her special attributes.  We are to have a long a prosperous friendship and me, a good education working more with this special skull and the Azurite.

I also want to thank you for one beautiful Amethyst skull you sent as a gift. A very delicate color and loaded with rainbows and some lovely veils...this one seemed to fly out of the wrapping and I had a hard time putting it down for the first hour it's energies were piercing through my skin into my hands and also arms as well. I was really surprised and delighted how fast and strong it came forward to greet me. I'm tickled pink all the way around.  

Love and Blessings and thank you for all you do for the skulls, and all of us in search of good quality skulls and then you frost the cake with having them charged by incredible old and ancient ones which is just awesome. It does make a huge difference. I have said before your entire site is a wonderful education to read and shop from"  

PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull SHA NA RA, the Ancient Crystal Skull RAINBOW and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)

Experience the power of our offerings for yourself:

We wish you and your crystal skulls many blessings,

MD & the Team

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