Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls
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Empowering  You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source
Vol. 18-07
Special Focus:
Eclipsing Times & Connecting to the
Ancient Crystal Skulls

Dear %$firstname$%,

This month we are featuring:
1. Beware of Cosmic Storm
2. Connecting to the Ancient Crystal Skulls
3. Ancient RAINBOW Light
4. Shaman's Tool : SHA NA RA
5. Ancient ET Collection
6. What's New
7. Crystal Skull Answers : Seeing in the Spirit World
8. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month - win a 4" Nuummite Crystal Skull valued at $1500!
9. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Accessing the Akashic Record: A Window to All That Is"
10. Featured Testimonial: About "House Radiating from Energies"

SPECIAL ACTIVATION: Orders placed before noon Friday July 27 will be included in the special full moon lunar eclipse activation.

PLEASE NOTE: We have been invited on a spiritual journey with the Q'eros in Peru, so our office will be closed from August 1-22nd.  Any orders placed by July 31 will be shipped by August 1. Shipping for August orders will resume after the Full Moon Activation of August 25th.

  1)   Beware of Cosmic Storm  

We are currently experiencing an intensely chaotic cosmic superstorm, with several planets in retrograde triggering major change and transformation (Mars and Saturn, with Pluto and Neptune retrograde until the end of September). Mercury is about to go retrograde from July 26 to August 18, wreaking havoc on communication, travel and technology (and delays with shipping!). The night sky is also putting on a show for us with two major meteor showers: Delta Aquarids meteor shower (July 12-August 23) and the Perseids meteor shower (July 17-August 24). And we are in the middle of a trio of life-altering eclipses beginning with the July 13 partial solar eclipse, followed by a total lunar eclipse on the full moon of July 27, culminating with another partial solar eclipse on August 11. Life as we know it is undergoing accelerated change!

The second eclipse that arrives on Friday, July 27th is a Blood Red Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. It will be the longest Lunar Eclipse of the 21st century, with totality beginning at 19:30 UTC and lasting for 103 minutes. A Lunar Eclipse is also a turbo-charged full moon that triggers purging and releasing outdated energies that no longer serve you, and this is a South Node eclipse which is focused on the past. This makes it an emotionally challenging eclipse, so discern with care and think twice before acting, especially since Mercury will also be retrograde. Try to maintain inner peace and balance, and flow with as much ease as possible.

It is important to remember that the cosmic influences over the next few weeks, particularly during this coming weekend, have the potential to create more conflict. You may experience increased tension, quick tempers and karmic triggers involving misuse of power or abusive behavior. The key to navigating these powerful events is clear communication, collaboration and patience.

A Lunar Eclipse marks endings or culmination points that are also gateways to new beginnings. Lunar eclipses can be emotional, making us sentimental and aware of the passage of time. Eclipses are a major turning point moving you forward, and there is no going back to the way things were before. These changes could happen instantly, but they can also occur over a period of months with each successive eclipse. The news of those changes can often come as a shock. Even if nothing happens to you directly, it may be happening to friends and family around you.

Expect sudden surprises that reveal hidden truths, which can act as a catalyst to a major decision or action you will take. Events or actions of others that you did not know anything about and that were outside of your control can create forces of change on a massive scale in your own life. Eclipses often force you to see things in a new light and require complete re-evaluation, because they have the power to change everything. They can speed up timelines, bringing plans for the future into the present. An eclipse is one of the most dramatic tools the universe uses to get you to pay attention and take action.

However, do not issue ultimatums or take big actions during an eclipse, especially while Mercury is in retrograde until August 18. Wait to act a few weeks after the eclipse, at a time when there is less static in the air and your judgment will be stronger and clearer. Try to hold off on beginning new ventures or signing contracts as key pieces of information may be missing, so bargain for more time to think about your decision or next action. While Mercury is retrograde, miscommunications will abound, so make sure you are communicating in a clear way that others can easily understand, and that you are picking up the right messages others are sending to you. 

If an eclipse falls on your birthday, or within five days of your birthday, the year that follows will be a critical one for you. You may experience a big change in lifestyle or massive change in a specific part of your life. Your old life may now fade into history as a new one shapes up.

Eclipses can help you do things you never thought you could do, and can show you that you are capable of much more than you assumed. After an eclipse, a situation that may have puzzled you will likely become clear as they bring brilliant light to all situations, helping us to understand a situation better by providing information we were not aware of. Eclipses can suddenly open a door that was previously bolted shut and impossible to enter.

Related Weblinks:
Coping with Eclipses :
Friday July 27 12pm PDT Ascension Activations:

"I just received my crystal skull order and I'm so happy with all the wonderful great energy these crystals have."


  2)   Connecting to the Ancient Crystal Skulls  

Ancient civilizations knew how to program and retrieve wisdom and information with the ancient crystal skulls, which may hold the key to the past, present and future for the Earth and for humanity.  Today, meditation may be the best tool for accessing crystal skulls, so we offer a selection of Crystal Skull Meditations to optimize your relationship with crystal skulls. In appreciation for your patience while we are on a sacred journey with the Q'eros in Peru for most of August, we are offering 50% off the instant download meditation "Connecting to the Ancient Crystal Skulls".

One of the best ways to connect to the ancient crystal skulls is to have a crystal skull that has been properly energized with a particular ancient crystal skull - your new energized crystal skull is like a thumb-drive/memory stick containing a download transmission of the energy and information contained in a particular ancient crystal skull.  It is interesting to note that each ancient crystal skull has its own specific energy imprint that can support you and take you to different levels of consciousness. 

While most crystal skulls from are ceremoniously energized with the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Blue Jade Mayan Skull CANA IXIM, there are select offerings specifically energized with several other significant ancient crystal skulls, like the authenticated Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA, the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van  Dieten, and now for the first time the ancient crystal skull of Light known as "RAINBOW". (see section 3 below)

Receiving a crystal skull activated with one of these ancient crystal skulls can be considered as the best of all worlds - it is like getting a new computer and new operating system/software with an app of that ancient crystal skull.  You can experience the different energies of these powerful ancient crystal skulls for yourself with energized crystal skulls in a variety of different stones available exclusively through by special arrangements with their current guardians.

Related Weblinks:
Ancient Crystal Skulls :
Crystal Skull Meditations :

"Thank you so much for the wonderful Meditations I love them. I never used to be able to mediate. Now I can using this Meditation. I am immensely grateful to you and look forward to buying them all soon. I listen to the Connecting with the Ancient Crystals twice a day and I am loving it so much. I feel changed in some way for the better"


  3)   Ancient RAINBOW Light  

The Ancient Crystal Skull RAINBOW is a Rainbow Quartz crystal skull that particularly shines in the light.  RAINBOW was found in the ruins of an archaeological dig in Mexico, near the location where another authenticated ancient crystal skull (SHA NA RA) was found. Although quartz cannot be carbon-dated and there is no way of knowing when the carving occurred, a piece of carved bone said to be found at the site of the skull was carbon dated at over 3000 years old.

The Earthly path of the ancient crystal skull RAINBOW has purportedly included a journey from the Motherland MU (commonly referred to as Lemuria), transferred to the Inka upon MU's collapse, subsequently transferred to Maya, then laid dormant within the Earth until she was re-discovered in an archaeological dig in Mexico.

Up until early 2017, RAINBOW was under the guardianship of DaEl Walker, the Director of the Crystal Awareness Institute. For over 25 years he has focused research on subtle energy, crystals, healing, and sensitivity training. He has taught in 9 countries on 4 continents, and was the first western healer to teach healing in Japan. In early 2017, DaEl transferred guardianship of RAINBOW at her request. She has since worked extensively with the Q'ero nation (Inka), Hopi, the lineages of Tibet, and the Guatemalan Maya. Since 2009, the Ancient Crystal Skull "RAINBOW" has continued to make a public appearance at gatherings with elders of the Q'ero Nation, organized by the International Q’eros Foundation

For the first time, you can now personally experience the energies of the Ancient Crystal Skull RAINBOW with a selection of crystal skulls energized with RAINBOW in Mount Shasta through an exclusive arrangement with her new guardian. In August, our free VIP Crystal Skull Alert will grant you first access to these Rainbow Quartz crystal skull offerings.

Related Weblinks:
Rainbow Crystal Skull :
International Q’eros Foundation :
Free VIP Crystal Skull Alert :

RAINBOW raises consciousness and opens gates.  When the sun shines upon the skull it explodes in explosions of light" - Dael Walker

  4)   Shaman's Tool : SHA NA RA  

The ancient crystal skull SHA NA RA is considered a "Shaman's tool of the highest order".  It's past is rich with the knowledge of the ages and it functions in conjunction with human energy, acting as a facilitator of communication between the worlds within each individual.  As a Shaman's tool, SHA NA RA can illuminate the path of the individual as it relates to the journey of us all.

The current guardian of SHA NA RA is Michele Nocerino who has been surrounded by crystals all her life as her father F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino devoted his lifetime to teaching metaphysics and to the research of crystal skulls. To this day, F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino may still hold the distinction of being the only person in modern history to have worked with and studied nine human-sized ancient crystal skulls, along with several smaller crystal skulls that are known to be of ancient origin. Michele herself has worked with crystals, stones, energy, color, cards and various forms of healing for over 40 years. 

Michele warmly invites you to join her in taking a closer look into parapsychology and the mystery of ancient crystal skulls. She offers you the rare opportunity to personally experience the presence and healing energy of SHA NA RA, which is one of the only ancient crystal skulls that people can actually touch and experience on a private and intimate basis.  You can email Michele to set up a private appointment or an event with SHA NA RA: or or you can call Michele directly at (925) 577-3957.

Alternatively, you can bring the energies of SHA NA RA into your home with specially energized crystal skulls, ranging in size from 1-inch to almost 10 inches (25 pounds). There are also crystal skull pendants energized by SHA NA RA so you can have these powerful ancient energies with you at all times - in a variety of stones including Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz, Rutilated Quartz and Amethyst.

Related Weblinks:
SHA NA RA Energized Crystal Skulls :
Michele Nocerino :

The Sha Na Ra energised crystal skull is amazing! Very active and wanted to meditate and sleep with me. Very tingly energy and loves being with other crystal skulls in a grid. Quite a little powerhouse! Beautiful! Thank you very much!"


  5)   Ancient ET Collection  

"ET" is one of a handful of crystal skulls on Earth that has long been acknowledged as being truly ancient. "ET" is a life-size Smoky Quartz crystal skull that was found by a Mayan Family in 1906 while they were digging in their backyard in Guatemala. Mayan priests recognized ET as the lost Mayan skull that came from the Pleiades, and confirmed that Joky Van Dieten was its rightful guardian.

The world-famous Joky Van Dieten crystal skull collection features the  Ancient Crystal Skull "ET", and 9 other significant large crystal skulls carved from different minerals, that each have their own amazing story. Several of the remarkable crystal skulls in this collection have been exhibited in a museum in Europe, and in special exhibits in countries around the globe. The most contemporary or “newest” of these skulls was carved in 1926, which still makes it one of the oldest known crystal skulls in the world today.

The Ancient Crystal Skull "ET" is no longer accessible to the public, but you can still experience for yourself the power of this extraordinary ancient crystal skull collection. Since 11/11/11, has been the sole provider of ET energized crystal skulls in the world - and this year we are presenting new offerings, including a set that includes crystal skulls in 7 stones that correspond to the different stones in the Van Dieten collection. Now you can have your own Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection to empower yourself and your crystal skulls, and to enhance your meditation with healing and chakra balancing (body power centers):


1st Chakra: Red Jasper -protection; courage; strength; survival; justice; health; healing; calm; balance; energizing; stabilizing; motivating; aligns chakras; promotes beauty; inspires joy
2nd Chakra: Black Obsidian - purification; transformation; fulfillment; manifestation; psychic ability; power; protection; shields from negativity
3rd Chakra: Smoky Quartz – grounding; protection; transforms negativity; elevates moods; stress; depression; abundance; prosperity; good luck
4th Chakra: Rose Quartz - attracts love; enhances self-love; promotes loving thoughts; peace and calm; heals heart physically and emotionally
5th Chakra: Lapis Lazuli - insight; intuition; wisdom; protection; psychic attacks; stress & anxiety; harmony; expression; depression; fatigue
6th Chakra: Amazonite - healing; protection; dispels negative energy and fear of judgment; truth; integrity; confidence; communication; calming
7th Chakra: Quartz - all-purpose healer; amplifies thought, energy, intention; raises vibration & consciousness; intuition; guidance; opens crown

Later this month we will be presenting NEW Lapis Lazuli Crystal Skulls energized with ET and the entire Van Dieten Crystal Skulls collection - and particularly with MANSUR - a spectacular Lapis crystal skull from the Amazon that will be featured in next month's newsletter. (Subscribe to our VIP Alert for a preview)

Related Weblinks:
Ancient ET Crystal Skull :
ET Energized Crystal Skulls :

"Hi! I just received my package. I ordered 3 little ET skulls from you: an Opalite, a Fluorite, and a Rose Quartz skull pendant. I immediately connected with the Opalite! I have felt a connection with Opalite ever sine learning about this man-made stone! I feel like because it is man-made, it picks up on its surrounding energies more purely, as it is not from nature and does not have the natural energies to begin with....I could not believe how powerful these little guys are! I am not surprised however! I have already been gathering quite a little Crystal Skull family from your team--and all I can say is--WOW!~ And I had the most Amazing experience while waiting for my Crystal Skulls to arrive! I actually KNEW they were here today before I checked to see if they'd arrived. They had! I felt their energies; it was almost as if they were intuitively "calling" to me! I also think the Crystal Skulls that I have were already beginning to remotely connect with them. Since ordering them from your site, the energies in my room- as strange and wild as it seems- began SHIFTING (best way I can describe it). It has felt like a very strong yet peaceful presence....I feel like they have been welcoming the new crystal skulls to this space! Now, they are rejoicing! :) I feel such a light hearted energy in this room where I keep the Crystal Skulls and all my other Crystals. I feel they are becoming a big single Crystal family. :) Your Crystal Skulls are VERY special and I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart! They are giving me a wonderful Heart and Mind Awakening. Blessings, and Love! "


  6)   What's New  

BIRTHSTONES: August: Peridot / Carnelian / Ruby

In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and unique crystal skulls, such as:

Pocket Crystal Skulls & Sets - New Pocket Crystal Skulls, including rare African Bloodstone, and "Dragon's Blood" Jasper.   Also available in a 7 chakra healing set and new 12 Quartz crystal skull sets

Pocket Crystal Skull

Treasured Jewelled Crystal Skulls - LIFE-SIZE Himalayan Quartz Crystal Skulls encrusted with hundreds of large genuine rubies and emeralds - hand-crafted in the Tibetan tradition with fire gold.

Real Himalayan Quartz Crystal Skulls - Himalayan Quartz is a true master healing stone with one of the highest vibrations on Earth. Himalayan quartz brings the crystaline energy into the body; the quartz transmutes encodings in the human body, raising the etheric field so the imprint of disease cannot remain or thrive within the physical body.

Related Weblinks:
Select your Crystal Skull by Stone:
Free Weekly VIP Alert :

Wow, what a beauty! It has a way different vibrational quality than I would have expected and have ever experienced! It is very uplifting and yet mellow at the same time, unlike other energetic quartz I've worked with. Almost like a balanced yin/yang point, that would be most appropriate for use in healing ceremonies, as I have read. Honestly, until I experienced this skull, I thought Himalayan quartz was overrated. Now, I have to eat that opinion. So glad it has found a home here with the skull family. :-) Thank you again for the wonderful service you provide to everyone!"


  7)   Crystal Skull Answers : Seeing in the Spirit World  

At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:

QUESTION: "If i order this activated crystal skull can i see any thing that i want to see in the spirit world with it?"

ANSWER: We cannot say that it is guaranteed to "see anything that i want to see in the spirit world with it", but crystal skulls can enhance your intuitive abilities, open your mind, and raise your frequency and consciousness to be able to access higher dimensions. The more you work with the crystal skulls with these intentions, the stronger your abilities can become. When working with the spirit world - often called the lower astral realm - it is always wise to surround yourself with a bubble of white Light, and to set a clear intention that you are only willing to attract and connect with beneficial energies that radiate the Light of Love, and affirm that you are protected from all else...

There are several ways to access information with crystal skulls:

Scrying or Crystal Gazing - the art of scrying involves gazing into a crystal skull, particularly a quartz crystal skull, to allow visions and images to appear. These may often come as symbols or impressions that are delivering messages to you.

Psychometry - holding or touching your crystal to receive energetic or psychic impressions. In his DVD, F.R. "Nick" Nocerino demonstrates this by holding a finger in one of the eyes of the crystal skull as a receiver. Trust the images you receive in your mind's eye, and the feelings you get in your body.

Meditation - quieting the mind while holding your crystal skull can open your mind to receive information from higher dimensions. Allow your mind to be a blank screen, and be patient with yourself while noticing any images or sensations that come to you. When connecting with the spirit world, these can even come in the form of smells, or chills, or feeling a cool sensation.

Matrix - creating a matrix of crystal skulls, particularly sitting within a circle of 12 crystal skulls, can attune you to higher frequencies, and can create a pillar of light that can connect you to higher realms, including the spirit world.

Chakras - laying down with crystal skulls on your 7 chakras can balance your energy centers, as well as your physical, mental, emotional and etheric bodies so you can attune to higher frequencies and other spiritual dimensions

Ascension - you can place a photo or name/word as an intention beneath a crystal skull, particularly if it is an ultra-clear quartz crystal skull, to amplify and attract the energies of your intention, including someone who is now in the spirit world.

Dreams - having a crystal skull near your bed or under your pillow while you sleep can open your mind to connecting with higher consciousness during the dreamtime - it is best to set an intention before you go to sleep as to what energies you wish to connect with and attune to, and always ask to be surrounded with the white light of protection while you sleep.

Related Weblinks:
Nick nocerino Archives :

"I received my moonstone crystal skulls,I must tell you how beautiful they are, I have Been sleeping with them since their arrival,their energy is truly amazing,thank you for the free gift"


  8)   DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES - you could receive a FREE 
4-inch Nuummite Crystal Skull weighing over 2 pounds (valued at $1500)!

a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...

b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini OPALITE CRYSTAL SKULLwhich facilitates transitions of all kinds, enhancing strength and persistence. Opalite promotes success, especially in business.
- Orders over $250 also get a CRYSTAL SKULL PENDANT
- Orders over $500 automatically receive all of these free gifts, PLUS a mystery crystal skull gift.

c) Get FREE SHIPPING when you buy at least 3 OR MORE crystal skulls - must use coupon code: BUY3 during checkout (some exceptions may apply on large skulls, sale items, and overseas orders)

d) AND... Every order placed between May 20 to August 22 will automatically qualify for a chance to RECEIVE A FREE 4-inch Nuummite Crystal Skull weighing over 2 pounds (valued at  $1500)! In honor of our 10th Anniversary, any order placed this summer until August 22 will have a chance to receive this very special grapefruit size Nuummite crystal skull - one of the oldest, rarest and most powerful stones on Earth!

Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
Nuummite Crystal Skulls:
Start your search for crystal skulls here :

"Nuummite skull arrived, which feels more strange, although I like this strangeness very much.  I guess it takes longer to know this one.
I love the roughness and simple carving, this encourage the access for me.  The eyes are real receivers, although I don't get yet what it will bring. They feel like satellites, cosmic area."


  9)   A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"Accessing the Akashic Record: A Window to All That Is"

crystal skull Amar

Each and every crystal skull has a different “personality” and resonates on a different frequency. This is true for the largest and the smallest of crystal skulls, and from the oldest to the youngest of crystal skulls. The more activated a crystal skull is, the stronger its energy and vibration is. Each crystal skull serves a different purpose, particularly crystal skulls created in different stones; yet ALL crystal skulls also serve a COLLECTIVE purpose to bring light and healing to the Earth and to Humanity, while raising the frequency and consciousness of One and All. 

The more experiences a crystal skull has recorded or witnessed, the more energy it holds – depending on what it has been exposed to, these energies can be so-called “positive” or “negative”, determined by the judgments or perspectives or belief systems of each individual. To a crystal skull, energy is simply energy – but it is the intention that directs that energy in positive or negative ways. 

Ancient crystal skulls have witnessed and recorded the history of the Earth and various civilizations – they hold the true history of all that has come before, and all that is yet to come. All crystal skulls, young or old, can access the Akashic Record to deliver information about the past, present or the infinite futures. All possibilities exist now, and crystal skulls are a window allowing you to glimpse All That Is.

Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :
Accessing the Akashic Record with Crystal Skulls:

"I received the Crystal Skull a couple of days ago and I am very pleased so far. Very successful meditation to connect and everything that I had hoped for."

  10   Featured Testimonial :
About "House Radiating from Energies"

"Once again I was elated to open the wonderful box from you, and so many surprises inside....thank you so much for gifts of love...had much fun and still are with these powerful somewhat smaller ones of great value also.

My ET energized Amazonite skull is so much more beautiful in person that I swear it was jaw dropping...and the energies were very strong.  I also got a most awesome ET energized quartz skull that is very amazing to dwell within...his energies are fierce and friendly, and his skull is so filled with veils and shimmer he is unique even in a darker room. 

I could spend hours on your site, and have, reading all the informative articles and learning about the old and ancient skulls.  You offer us all a great education all in one place.

I have already come back on another awesome shopping house is radiating from energies of ET, (and the whole Van Dieten collection)  Sha Na Ra, AMAR / CANA IXIM. It is so awesome to enjoy the different energies of these as well. They actually 'feel' different from each other which is a great learning experience also. I love my skullies so much!! These living spirits within them, more so than just sentient beings, are so loving and friendly plus protective once you spend time getting to know each one."

PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)

Experience the power of our offerings for yourself:

All the best,

MD & the Team

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