Dear %$firstname$%,This month we are featuring:
This month we are featuring:
1. Eclipsing Loss
2. Easing the Pain of Grief
3. Q'ero Shaman Death Ceremony
4. Memento Mori Skull
5. From UN Day of Peace to Bible Revelations
6. What's New & What's Next
7. Crystal Skull Answers : Skulls that can help with grief and clarity in new path
8. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month - Win a FREE 3.5-inch Rose Quartz Crystal Skull weighing over 1 pound ($250 value!)
9. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Impermanence"
10. Featured Testimonial: About "Mending Broken Heart"
SPECIAL ACTIVATION: See section 5 below for all the details of the significant energies of this week - All orders placed from Monday September 18 through Saturday September 23 will be included in a matrix with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM focused on PEACE and NEW BEGINNINGS, with a Special Activation Ceremony taking place for the Equinox on Friday September 22
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Eclipsing Loss |
In the wake of so much tragic loss throughout the Caribbean, Florida and Texas, it becomes clear that what is most important is life itself. As we see the extent of the devastation in the light of day, our collective hearts go out to those who have lost so much. Sadly, we also personally experienced the tragic loss of a young family member just 4 weeks ago, the day before the solar eclipse...
Life is full of painful challenges, and we must all endure losses throughout life's journey, Loss can take many forms, such as personal possessions, loss of love, loss of potentiality, and certainly the most extreme: loss of life. Time eventually heals all wounds, but not the scars that are permanently etched on the hearts and souls of those who survive grand losses.
We all grow and evolve profoundly through the joy of love and the pain of loss. What doesn't kill us does eventually make us stronger, deeper, with a greater capacity for love and compassion if we can have the courage to keep our heart open. Once love is created, it can never be lost or destroyed, it is merely transformed. We do not lose our loved ones - they are simply transformed to a higher vibration of love and light, and they remain with us in the unseen realms, often visiting us in the dreamtime where we get to enjoy seeing them again. People who are attuned to higher spiritual and psychic dimensions can access those whose spirits remain near us on the other side of the veil, and crystal skulls can also facilitate this connection.
Life is precious and fragile.... material losses can be overcome, and what is most important is to love, support and appreciate one another and be grateful for all that we have and all that we can share with each other in the time we have together...

These Crystals and Crystal Skulls can give comfort in times of loss and can facilitate communication with higher dimensions:
Agate - a gentle, calming stone that promotes tranquility, brings harmony and helps calm depressive or agitated states. Allows you to accept the things you cannot change and gives courage to change the things you can. Blue Lace Agate crystal skulls bring peace, happiness and hope for the future; they access higher spiritual planes, and facilitate communion with angels.
Amethyst - facilitates communication with one’s guides, connection with the divine, and communion with higher realms of consciousness. Amethyst enhances psychic abilities and may help you communicate with the spirit world. It supports emotional stability and inner strength, and can help overcome the suffering of personal loss. Amethyst dispels fear and anxiety, and alleviates sadness, grief, depression and anger. It helps you to adjust to any loss you have suffered, absorbing pain and grief and offering spiritual protection and comfort. It induces tranquility, promotes sleep, and soothes any negative emotion.
Jet - facilitates rapid personal growth. Jet supports psychic experiences, enhancing insight and clarity. It protects sensitive people from negative energies, and helps release negative patterns and emotional attachments. Jet is a powerful healer; it can help ease the pain of headaches and migraines, and can speed healing of injuries. It absorbs negative energy, alleviates grief and depression.
Larimar - is a stone of joy and peace that can help ease grief. It can dissolve energy blockages from the past. Larimar facilitates angelic contact and communication with other realms. It quiets the mind, promotes serenity, calm and relaxation. Larimar can be held as a worry stone, or used in the home or workplace to promote a tranquil atmosphere.
Related Weblinks:
Crystals for Emotional Healing :
"[My Nummite Pendant] flashes continuously within clarity, ancient trust, strengthening and empowerment. A feeling and seeing that I am home. Deepest gratitude for this mission and theme of acceptance within and interacting with others. "
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Easing the Pain of Grief |
Grief is probably the most difficult thing to bear in life, yet it is something that each person will have to face at one time or another, for one reason or another. Grief has a life of its own, and a rhythm of its own, which may be different for every person. It is an emotional roller coaster ride that runs the full spectrum of emotions: one moment you can be sobbing, then laughing, then angry, sometimes all triggered by the same incident. It can sometimes feel like you are losing your mind because the heart takes over and seems to have a mind of its own. The more you try to resist grief, the more painful it becomes because it is not just an emotional response, it also produces physiological and chemical reactions in the body - therefore, the more calm, patient and peaceful you can become, the easier the process can be.
There is a season for everything in the cycle of life, and although we don't like to talk about it, death touches us all. Time does lessen grief, but the journey varies from person to person, which can be very challenging and stressful if other people in your family or household handle grief differently than you do. In cases where tragedy is the cause of loss, the level of shock can be so great that it adds a whole new level of emotions. It is important to note that one is not alone in the pain, even though it can feel that way. Death is a part of life, and it can and will change one’s life. Dealing with it appropriately can be healing and can even be experienced as a rite of passage that stretches and evolves the heart and soul, giving one even greater strength and courage to face life. Death is a form of transformation for all involved - for some, it can be best to stay sheltered in a coccoon for a time before you can emerge transformed as a butterfly.
What is important to remember is that grief is for the living, not for those who've passed. Death is actually a birth: for the soul it is not an ending but a new beginning as our loved ones have passed into a higher dimension of love and light, and they are always with us. However, the grief we feel is for our own loss of their physical presence in our life. The soul is eternal, and transcends time and space. We will all see our loved ones again, for we have made contracts and have promises to keep with one another to serve each other in the eternal evolution of the soul. Those who have touched others will live on in their hearts until they can be together again, and again, and again....

Crystal skulls are very gentle and powerful tools for healing grief… they often come to people in times of loss and transition to support peace and healing. These crystals and crystal skulls are particulary helpful in coping with grief:
Ametrine - offers the benefits of both amethyst and citrine. Citrine uplifts and brings joy, and dissipates and transmutes negative energy. Citrine aligns with the higher self and is a powerful transformer for healing. Amethyst creates a protective energy field, and supports growth to reach one’s higher potential. Ametrine alleviates depression, leading to inner peace and tranquility. Ametrine instigates change and eases transition.
Aquamarine - a soothing, calming stone that provides peace, comfort and upliftment. Helps to release grief and give it over to the universe; facilitates let go. Aquamarine helps bring unfinished business to a conclusion, and is useful for closure on all levels. It invokes high states of consciousness and spiritual awareness.
Emerald - a powerful healer, especially for the heart; it can lift depression and bring balance on the physical, emotional, and mental levels. Helps to remove negative thoughts, soothes grief and promotes harmony within.
Malachite - is excellent for depression and grief. It can heal the heart by releasing past hurts or trauma, allowing one to grieve properly and not hold onto emotions or stuff them down. Malachite helps one connect to the All; it is a transformative stone that brings peace. It soothes the soul, releases stress, and creates new beginnings.
Rhodochrosite - can help with grief and banish negative thoughts from one's mind. Rhodochrosite opens the heart, uplifts moods and attitudes. It instills peace and tranquility, and it is difficult to be depressed or negative in its presence. Rhodochrosite heals the emotional body, and soothes emotional stress. It helps alleviate loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, and insecurities. It promotes self-forgiveness, self-worth, and self-love. It inspires trust, a sense of purpose and desire to live.
Rose Quartz - heals the heart of past and present pain. It is calming and fills us with love. Wearing a rose quartz pendant over the heart chakra is powerfully healing. It fills and heals the heart with gentle love, and helps one to move on when the time is right. Rose Quartz emanates loving energy throughout its environment, creating peace and calm in the people and places that surround it. Rose Quartz can support and heal the heart, both physically and emotionally.
Related Weblinks:
Healing Grief :
"Just wanted to let you know that the 2-inch multi-flash nuummite skull has been assisting me in releasing griefs since the day I received him and his friends. He always does his works when I am sleeping, and it is in my dreams that he shows me my unresolved issues, one at a time, in ways that are non-invasive. He is very powerful, yet at the same time, gentle. I would always cry in my sleep when faced with my griefs, and then I would wake up with a fresh mind while still remembering the dream/issue and I would know how to resolve it and let go of the grief."
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Q'ero Shaman Death Ceremony |
The Q’ero shamans perform despacho ceremonies to help individuals face the significant events in their lives. During a despacho ceremony, participants place symbolic objects into the despacho to voice their intentions and requests.
An Aya (death) Despacho is created to assist the deceased in their journey into the afterlife. Through ceremony, participants create a rainbow bridge to ease the process of crossing over. According to the Q’ero shamans, after death our physical body returns to the earth. Our wisdom returns to the mountains. Our soul returns to the stars. The Aya Despacho is also a celebration of life, bringing closure to a life just lived. It is a participatory ceremony in which family and friends of the deceased reminisce, laugh, cry, and celebrate.

Through ceremony, grief can shift to a celebration of the relationship and the love for one another. Such sacred ceremony can offer comfort to grieving family members and beloved friends and help lift the heaviness in their hearts. Even though this tradition has roots in a specific ancient cosmology, it is alive with energy and gifts for our modern world. Below you will find a link with abbreviated instructions for performing an Aya Despacho ceremony, which creates a prayer bundle of many layers for loved ones.
You can personally experience the sacred ceremonies of the Ancient Q'ero people, who are back in the USA at this time for their FALL tour, offering the ancient Karpay Light transmissions. And you can always connect to their energies via the Q'ero Energized Crystal Skulls - this special selection of crystal skulls was also imprinted with the energies of the Mayans, Tibetans, and Hopi at the historic Solar Reunion gathering that took place at Mt. Shasta earlier this year.
Related Weblinks:
Q'ero Energized Crystal Skulls:
Aya Despacho Instructions:
Q'eros Fall Tour of USA:
"This Sacred One [Solar Reunion Energized Ascension Quartz Crystal Skull Pendant] reveals much insight and foresight along with a protection of Pure Light. The Reunion of the Masters that gathered at Mount Shasta were I was last in December 2012 certainly is a divine guidance on this lives pathway. I feel and see that I am centered, grounded and anchored in this 5th dimensional energy bell now. The sensitivity is now more aligned and attuned in the wholeness."
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Memento Mori Skull |
Unlike the Mexican tradition of "The Day of The Dead" where ancestors are honored with skulls, the Memento Mori tradition reminds the living to live life to the fullest. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, memento mori literally means "Remember you must die". The early Puritan settlers were particularly aware of death and fearful of what it might mean, so a Puritan tombstone will often display a memento mori intended for the living. In earlier centuries, an educated European might place an actual skull on his desk to keep the idea of death always present in his mind. By keeping death "daily before one's eyes," one is reminded to make life better.
"How a Skull on Your Desk Will Change Your Life" written by Sister Theresa Alethia Noble reveals that focusing on your death may seem morbid, unhealthy and disturbing... yet the practice of remembering that you will die helps you to keep in mind that your life will end, and that it has a goal: heaven. She further informs "Saints Jerome, Aloysius, and Mary Magdalene, among others, are often depicted in classic paintings with skulls. Saint Francis of Assisi once signed a blessing to Brother Leo with the tau cross and a small drawing of a skull. Pope Alexander VII commissioned Italian artist Bernini to make a coffin that he kept in his bedroom along with a marble skull for his desk to remind him of the brevity of life. Blessed James Alberione, the founder of the Daughters of Saint Paul, also kept a skull on his desk."

Inspired by this tradition, Sister Theresa Alethia Noble did get a skull for her desk - and it did change her life. "From humorous anecdotes to more serious meditations, keeping my death before me has put other things in my life in perspective. It has helped me to remember that one day I will die, yes....The skull on my desk reminds me every day that I will die and that my Savior has transformed death into a doorway to new life." She concludes by recommending that everyone should get a skull for your desk... and if anyone asks questions, tell them a nun made you do it!
Related Weblinks:
Memento Mori: How a skull on your desk will change your life
Memento Mori & Crystal Skulls :
"Thank you so much. The Elestial Citrine is indeed a beautiful crystal. The energy was readily present the minute I walked in the house and saw the box.. Thank you for your lovely pick of Quartz, Jasper, and the pleasantly added Citrine. I have been collecting and sharing crystals for over 11 years and know these new [Crystal Skull] beings will be my personal collections. Thank you again...ok...repeating myself. :) " |
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From UN Day of Peace to Bible Revelations |
This week holds many powerful global energies and celestial events, including the Equinox September 22, the UN Day of Peace, the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah, and an alignment of celestial bodies on September 23 that may have Biblical proportions…
With all that is happening in our world at this time, focusing on PEACE is more important now than ever. Thursday September 21 is The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") observed around the world. Established in 1981 by unanimous United Nations resolution, Peace Day provides a globally shared date for all humanity to commit to Peace above all differences and to contribute to building a Culture of Peace. The theme for Peace Day 2017 is “Together for Peace: Respect, Safety and Dignity for All.” The UN invites you to engage in this global day in whatever way is meaningful for you/your organization. See a variety of Peace Day activity ideas at GET INVOLVED. Get inspired and create a public or private activity related to peace, spread the word about Peace Day and/or attend an event in your community.
This year, the Jewish New Year Rosh Hashanah goes from sundown September 20 to September 22, encompassing both the UN Day of Peace on September 21, and the Equinox on September 22 at 20:02 UTC (the Equinox marks the beginning of Autumn, and is one of two days a year where there is equal day and equal night – a day of balance and harmony). According to Judaism, Rosh Hashanah is considered the beginning of the year because it is the traditional anniversary of the creation of Adam and Eve, the first man and woman according to the Hebrew Bible, and their first actions toward the believed realization of humanity's role in God's world. Rosh Hashanah meals usually include apples dipped in honey to symbolize a sweet new year.
There has also been a lot of buzz on the Internet about astronomical alignments taking place on September 23 that many believe may mark the “End of Days”, while other experts are vehemently rebuking this… Some say that On September 23, 2017 a sign will form in the heavens that fits the description of Revelation 12:1-2: “A great sign appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth … She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod.”
On September 23, 2017 the sun will be in the zodiac constellation Virgo — “a woman clothed with the sun”. The moon will be at the feet of Virgo — “with the moon under her feet”. The ‘nine’ stars of the zodiac constellation Leo, plus three planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars), will be at the head of Virgo — “on her head a crown of 12 stars”. The planet Jupiter will be in the center of Virgo, and, as the weeks pass after September 23, Jupiter will exit Virgo to the east, past her feet, so to speak — “She was with child and wailed aloud in pain as she labored to give birth”. Jupiter is the largest of the planets, the “king” of the planets, so to speak — “She gave birth to a son, a male child, destined to rule all the nations with an iron rod”.
According to some computer models, this is the only time this sign will occur in history, although other astronomers have said that this has already occurred at least 4 times in the last thousand years. What is most important to remember is that our planet is affected by our COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS, which means that if most people on Earth are focused on fear, then that will be our collective outcome. That is why it is so vital that we all focus on PEACE throughout this time, amplifying our conscious intentions with the power of the crystal skulls so that peace may prevail on Earth, and remain within our own minds and hearts… To support you in peace throughout the week ahead, we offer you this free guided meditation for the Equinox: “A Celebration of Light”.
Related Weblinks:
International Day of Peace :
Biblical September 23 :
Crystal Skull Light Meditation :
"Yes I have had time listen to meditations and recently received my crystal skull yesterday. Powerful meditations when used with my crystal skull."
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What's New & What's Next |
SPECIAL ACTIVATION CEREMONY: Our next major activation ceremony will take place for the Equinox on September 22
In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and unique crystal skulls, such as:
Gibeon Meteorite Crystal Skulls - The crystallized metal shimmers with naturally etched silvery patterns in symbols of sacred geometry - which are even more mesmerizing the larger the crystal skull. These sacred geometric patterns look like otherworldly hieroglyphs - as if something "out there" is trying to communicate with us. They are extremely dense and heavy for their size. Tremendously rare, the power of these extraterrestrial Gibeon Meteorite crystal skulls is off the charts!
Tourmalinated Citrine - Stunning Brazilian Citrine with Watermelon Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline, Pink Tourmaline and Black Tourmaline (some also with Lepidolite). Tourmalines are highly valued as electrical tuning circuits for conducting television and radio frequencies; they are used for their durability since high frequencies can be passed through them without shattering, as many crystals do – therefore, tourmalines (black tourmaline, green tourmaline and even watermelon tourmaline) are excellent for transmitting and attuning to the highest frequencies, especially when amplified in quartz or citrine.

Druzy Amethyst/Ametrine Agate Crystal Skulls - These large Druzy crystal skulls have amethyst or ametrine crystals in the crown and third eye. Agates are very good for all aspects of money, including acquiring it, keeping it, protecting it, and your generosity in sharing it.
Adoption Crystal Skulls - at up to 70% off, these are the best value for crystal skulls... there are still some great finds in: Cryolite, Golden Sheen Obsidian, Charoite, Ruby Zoisite, Labradorite, Black Tourmaline, Pietersite, Pyrite, Ametrine, Jet, Larimar, Tiger Eye, Moonstone, Boulder Opal, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz... and even Nuummite & Solar Reunion Energized Ascension Quartz Crystal Skulls
Red Tiger Eye Crystal Skulls - Red Tiger Eye crystal skulls have beautiful stripes in shades of deep rich velvety reds that are almost iridescent. Red Tiger Eye is a stimulating stone that can provide motivation and help overcome lethargy and procrastination. Red Tiger Eye is said to help speed up metabolism and increase libido
Ultra-Rare Sugilite Crystal Skulls - Sugilite is considered one of the most important love stones, representing spiritual love and wisdom that opens and aligns all the chakras to love. It facilitates physical and emotional healing, and is known to relieve pain and discomfort of all kinds. It dispels negativity and anger, and creates harmony.
Apatite Crystal Skulls - Apatite enhances manifestation and intuition, and aids communication and self-expression on all levels. Blue Apatite connects to a very high level of spiritual guidance, facilitating clear channeling, lucid dreaming and astral travel. It balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras. Blue Apatite is known to suppress appetite, increase metabolism and assist with weight issues.
Birthstones for September : Moonstone / Agate / Lapis
Birthstones for October : Opal / Tourmaline / Jasper / Aquamarine
In the next few weeks, we will be offering:
Kambaba Jasper
Be among the first to be notified when new crystal skulls become available by signing up for our free weekly VIP alert.
Related Weblinks:
Free Weekly VIP Alert :
" The skulls arrived just in time for me to take them to Mt Shasta for the Q'ero event this weekend! They feel amazing! Thanks again:-)"
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Crystal Skull Answers : Skulls that can help with grief and clarity in new path |
At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:
QUESTION: "If there are other skulls that can help with grief and clarity in new path, please let me know too"
ANSWER: Crystals resonate at higher energetic frequencies that can support our wellbeing on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Crystal skulls can uplift our energy, bring us peace and calm, and assist us through life’s challenges… These stones can be especially helpful and supportive during times of grief and loss, and in gaining clarity for new beginnings:
Apatite - increases motivation, creativity and intellect. It clears confusion and frustration, and eases sorrow, apathy, anger and irritability. An Apatite Crystal Skull supports self-acceptance and self-confidence, removing negativity about oneself and others. It heals the heart and emotions, releases grief and guilt, and uplifts your spirits.
Jade - alleviates depression and instills feelings of serenity and tranquility. It reduces stress and is powerful for relaxation; it also improves sleep. Jade promotes courage and wisdom, and also relieves grief, trauma, and loneliness. Jade soothes the mind, releasing negative thoughts. It is also a protective stone that wards against negative energies. Jade can help attain goals and dreams, and encourages you to become who you really are.
Lapis - quickly releases stress and anxiety, bringing deep peace and harmony. It also strengthens ability to concentrate and improves physical strength. Lapis can help to shake away distress and painful memories. It helps to change life for the better and promotes new interests. It may alleviate insomnia and vertigo, and overcome depression and fatigue.
Moonstone - can help soothe the emotions, it is a stone of joy that will balance the emotional body and allow one to let go safely. A stone of optimism, it can work wonders for the bereaved. Rainbow moonstone promotes calm, balance, harmony, compassion and inner confidence. Placing rainbow moonstone under the pillow can promote restful sleep.
Obsidian - has healing properties that protect the very sensitive from depression as it blocks negativity of all kinds. It is an ideal protector and stabilizer for gentle-hearted people. Obsidian dissolves emotional blockages and ancient traumas. It promotes qualities of compassion and strength. It is especially helpful in times of grief. It vibrates calmness and security, and stabilizes the energies of everyone around it. Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during change

Rhodonite - assists to release repressed grief or denial, allowing a person to move on. It promotes calm, builds confidence and alleviates confusion. Holding it soothes the nervous system, calms stress and anxiety, facilitates relaxation and brings a sense of well-being. It can help mend a broken heart, healing trauma, self-destruction, codependency and abuse issues. It is a stone of compassion and forgiveness, an emotional balancer that clears away emotional wounds and scars from the past.
Rubellite (Pink Tourmaline) - is a very uplifting stone that is deeply relaxing and comforting. It is a very positive crystal that brings peace, balance, calm and a feeling of security; with Lepidolite it is powerful for calming people in distress. Pink Tourmaline facilitates healing loss of love, and old emotional wounds.
Ruby in Zoisite - a stone of transmutation, it is especially helpful during the grieving process. It facilitates releasing pain and sorrow, and enhances compassion to support others who are also grieving. It offers spiritual comfort and encourages you to regain your passion for life without shutting off your deeper feelings. It is a very positive stone and it assists in seeing the good and the joyful in the present moment, no matter how dark that may appear. It keeps you centred so that you do not over-react to situations. Zoisite is a heart-centred stone and with its help you can give thanks for the happiness you had and catch a glimpse of the bright future that is beckoning you on.
Sugilite - is one of the most important love stones. It facilitates physical and emotional healing, and can relieve pain and discomfort of all kinds. It dispels negativity and anger, and creates peace, calm and harmony. Sugilite is nurturing in times of grief, and can comfort you when you feel all is lost. It reminds you to love yourself and be kind to yourself and to those around you. A stone of forgiveness, it dissolves hostility and encourages mutual support. Sugilite protects your soul from shocks and trauma and clears disappointment from your life (hold it over your heart or third eye when you feel despair). It fills you with love and teaches you how to live from your own truth.
Related Weblinks:
Healing Grief :
" Many thanks and the Rubellite is now on my nightstand. Today is one of those days when memories of my late sister hit and I regret not telling her I love her. With the skulls, I feel less alone. Thank you very much."
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DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month - you could receive a FREE 3.5-inch Rose Quartz Crystal Skull weighing over 1 pound ($250 value!) |
CONGRATULATIONS! This month's recipient of the 1 pound Brazilian Rainbow Phantom Quartz Crystal Skull is Genevieve D., Wisconsin, USA
a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...
b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini CHEVRON AMETHYST CRYSTAL SKULL (while quantities last). Chevron Amethyst is a powerful healer that combines the amplifying power of Quartz with psychic properties of Amethyst.
c) Get FREE SHIPPING when you buy at least 3 OR MORE crystal skulls - must use coupon code: BUY3 during checkout (some exceptions may apply on large skulls, sale items, and overseas orders)

d) AND... Every order placed between September 16 through October 18 will automatically qualify for a chance to RECEIVE a FREE 3.5-inch Rose Quartz Crystal Skull weighing over 1 pound ($250 value!)
Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
Rose Quartz Crystal :
Start your search for crystal skulls here :
"I recently had the pleasure of receiving the beautiful crystal skulls who chose me to be their current guardian. I am so happy with them. They are wonderful. I just wanted to tell you this, & thank you also for the fourth little companion skull you gifted me.....Interestingly, after I had initially placed the order first for one, then added another later, & finally added a third I started wishing that I had also ordered a rose quartz one.......When the order arrived & the skulls came out, who should be there but a fourth rose quartz skull! What a lovely surprise , & it was obviously meant to be....Thank you so much!"
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A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR: "Impermanence" |

Nothing in this world or in this Universe is permanent. Everything is constantly changing, and nothing truly endures except consciousness itself. Even crystal skulls, which are literally etched in stone, are impermanent, although we will long outlast our human guardians. Crystal skulls are the record keepers, the historians, the recorders of energy and consciousness. The true value in Ancient Crystal Skulls is in the wisdom and knowledge that they contain – much like human elders, who are sadly no longer valued.
Crystal skulls are vessels of consciousness and represent eternal life – but the paradox is that the skull represents death, which instills fear in many people. This is because people try desperately to hold onto their physical bodies, believing that this is the extent of their existence, which is finite because of physical mortality. However, your consciousness is eternal and will live on and take many forms, time and time again, throughout eternity. Your consciousness is infinite, if you could only remember that much… Crystal skulls hold infinite consciousness, as do you, and crystal skulls can help you to remember all that you are and all there is to know, if you keep an open mind.
You are an eternal being, just as crystal skulls are, but your form will change as your consciousness grows and evolves, much like a snake shedding its skin. Do not be afraid of this process of evolution and transformation, because nothing is permanent, not even death! And we are all sure to meet again, in one form or another…
Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :
"Thank you for another awesome skull! Right out of the box it was in tune with the rest of my skull family. It's soothing energies helped me through the release of years of emotional pain from my consciousness. Thanks again for the amazing work that you do!"
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Featured Testimonial : "Mending Broken Heart" |
"Thank you so much for this beautiful meditation. (light mp3) I bought my first two little crystal skulls from you back in 2011, shortly after my 3 year old granddaughter had passed away. Every night, for a year, I would fall asleep with one in each palm of my hand. They brought me such peace and comfort and allowed me to sleep gently while my broken heart was mending. I don't remember when I stopped holding them nightly but they now reside on an alter to my granddaughter which is in my bedroom. In my mind they act as her guardians in the after life.

Today was the first time I have picked them up to again hold them in my hand throughout your meditation. I'm glad I did this. I really needed their healing love today... as the 5th anniversary of my dear ones passing is slowly approaching, June 1, and 2days prior to that 5/30, would have been her 8th Birthday... My courage and strength gets weakened... The meditation filled me with renewed strength. I will do this everyday. Thank you again! Blessings,"
Reply: Your email brought us tears and joy at the same time! I am so grateful that our crystal skulls and meditation have touched you and supported you in your healing. The crystal skulls are very gentle and powerful tools for healing grief… they often come to people in times of loss to support peace and healing. This journey with AMAR and the crystal skulls began for me with the sudden loss of my dear mother, and I found AMAR on her birthday a few weeks after her passing. This has led us on a journey to offer crystal skulls to people all over the world for healing and transformation. We feel truly blessed to be able to help people like you, and your email is a gift to us as an affirmation of the work that we are doing. Thank you for taking the time to write to us, we really appreciate it.
Wishing you profound peace, strength and courage in the days and weeks ahead! With love, light and blessings,
Grace (the voice on your meditation)
PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)
Experience the power of our offerings for yourself:
Wishing you all the best,
MD & the Team |
Experience the power of our offerings for yourself
