Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls
"got my little Nummite guy from you....has been with me in my journey the past 5 years"   
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Empowering  You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source
Vol. 17-03
Special Focus:
The Rare Gems of Greenland
Dear %$firstname$%,

Recently we have discovered some issues with our email delivery that may have been going on for some time... if you have sent us an email and did not receive a response from us, please resend your email (if your email bounces, please try reaching us at our alternate email address:  We do our best to personally respond to every email, so please let us know if you encounter any difficulties so we can resolve these issues.

This month we are featuring:
1. Greenland's Rare Gems
2. Cryolite & Erik The Red
3. Isua : Old as Earth
4. Revisiting the Past : Three Billion Year Old Nuummite
5. When Nuummite is not Nuummite - How to Recognize a FAKE
6. First Time for Sha Na Ra
7. What's New & What's Next
8. Crystal Skull Answers : "Don't Wear Nuummite Unless One Desires Change?"
9. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month - receive a 12 Quartz Crystal Skulls Set
10. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Mastering Change and Transformation"
11. Featured Testimonial: About "A Shaman's Stone"


  1)   Greenland's Rare Gems  

Situated below the North Pole, Greenland is the world’s largest island, whose original inhabitants came from Central Asia. The Vikings discovered Greenland in the 10th Century, and established the first Christian church on the American continent centuries before Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards brought Christianity to the Americas. In Viking legend, Greenland was described as a lush, green, fertile land - perhaps to entice settlement. In reality, ‘Whiteland’ would be a more accurate name since more than 80 percent of the land mass is covered by ice cap and glaciers, and the area that is not covered in ice is only clear because the air is so dry that ice cannot form. Scientists have estimated that the Greenland ice sheet is between 400,000 and 800,000 years old, which includes a UNESCO World Heritage Site: the biggest glacier outside of Antarctica.

The predominance of ice makes Greenland nearly impossible to navigate - there are no roads connecting towns, so most areas can only be reached by air or by sea. Greenland is now widely recognized as one of the world’s largest resources of rare earth elements, but the ice that has preserved these rare minerals also makes them virtually inaccessible. The one mine in the world that produces genuine Nuummite can only be accessed for a short time during the summer months, thereby limiting the availability of this exceptionally rare stone. (Beware: 90% of what is sold as Nuummite is fake! See item #5 below to recognize fake Nuummite.)

During the winter, Greenland is plunged into constant darkness where the sun never rises, but from September to mid April, you can see the Northern Lights (aka Aurora Borealis) on just about any night that the sky is clear, with extremely vivid colors since there’s very little light pollution. From May 25th to July 25th, the sun does not set at all, with constant daylight visible from late April to late August. The longest day of the year - June 21 - is a national holiday, and July is the only month when Greenland's temperature reaches above freezing! 

Although geographically Greenland is part of North America, it was a Danish colony. In 1946, the United States tried unsucessfully to purchase Greenland from Denmark. Greenland finally became its own country in 1953, attained home rule in 1979 and full self-government in 1981. The government is a constitutional monarchy, with a parliament whose nominal head of state is the Danish monarch. The Danish krone is the currency, and the official languages of the country are Greenlandic and Danish, though English is widely understood. The population of Greenland is roughly 57,000, with over 25 percent living in the capital Nuuk (which is where the name Nuummite comes from).

Related Weblinks:

Greenland Official Tourism Site :
Denmark's claim on the North Pole :

To me the word nuummite in itself is already very powerful: nu = now (Dutch) um = om (Om! Universal) mite = together (German) (or in speech, not written: mite equal to 'mitte' : the core or centre) Now and Together the Universal Consciousness from within the Centrepoint. (= like a mantra by itself!) * Holding a Nuummite skull is like having the honor of holding a part of - connecting with the wise, peaceful heart of our own Mother Earth - the Centrepoint." 


  2)   Cryolite & Erik The Red  

Myth has it that the Viking, Erik the Red, ‘discovered’ Greenland after his fiery temper led him to be exiled from Iceland as punishment for his violent crimes. He set about enthusiastically spreading the word about ‘the green land’ whose fjords and lush, green valleys belied its contemporary reputation as a stark, bleak, icy and desolate place. But, in reality, below Greenland’s icy surface lies a treasure trove of some of the richest and rarest minerals on Earth.

One of the stones first discovered in Greenland is Cryolite, so naturally Greenland has the oldest continuously operating mine in the world, however, due to its rarity it is possibly the only mineral on Earth ever to be mined to commercial extinction. Cryolite is translucent to transparent with a very low refractive index of about 1.34, which is very close to that of water; thus if immersed in water, cryolite becomes essentially invisible. Therefore white Cryolite is said to be a stone of invisibility!

Cryolite often contains other minerals such as Siderite, Pyrite, and Galena. Siderite stimulates positive energy, constructive thoughts and ideas, and enthusiasm regarding work. Galena is a transformation stone that promotes grounding, strength, courage and personal power. Chalcopyrite is a stone of the mystic and its strong healing energies can help clear anything that prevents perfect health.

Cryolite is a very spiritual crystal with a high vibration that connects to the higher realms: to angels, to Spirit and to the Divine. It enhances psychic gifts, and promotes deep spiritual growth. Cryolite can stimulate a strong vibration within all of the chakras, activating the kundalini and creating a clear channel for the flow of light throughout the body. Cryolite aligns one with spiritual truth, and can help dispel thoughts and belief systems that are no longer beneficial. It promotes living in heart-centered awareness, and facilitates moving forward on one’s life path with clarity and focus. Cryolite is a stone of Divinity and higher awareness - it is a powerful stone for awakening, ascension and enlightenment.

We have secured the best selection of Cryolite Crystal Skulls from Greenland, and will soon be offering them in our free VIP Crystal Skull Alert later this month.

Related Weblinks:
Cryolite Crystal Skulls :
VIP Crystal Skull Alert :

The Nuumite skulls are unique and very special. Never have I encountered a stone that I want around me constantly. The gentle flashes of illumination they stir up are actually quite pleasant, old patterns to smile at and lay aside - so unlike the plutonic version of healing that grows exhausting after awhile."


  3)   Isua : Old as Earth  

According to Live Science: "The Isua rocks are among the oldest pieces of crust still around from Earth's earliest eons. The layers were deposited under a liquid water ocean, perhaps when life was first emerging." The area in Greenland where Isua Stone is found dates back almost 4 billion years and is known as the Isukasia, situated close to the Inland Ice Cap which is very difficult to access. These stones are extremely rare, so they will never become available in large quantities - we were able to secure all of the Isua Stone skulls available for this year, which will soon be offered in our free VIP Crystal Skull Alert later this month.

Isua Stone is made up of layers of different minerals including carbon, which allows Isua Stone to be carbon-dated, unlike most crystals. Isua Stone was discovered relatively recently, and carbon dating revealed that this mineral is among the oldest that has ever been identified on this planet. Scientists are very excited by this stone, because it seems to contain vital information about the earliest stages of the Earth’s development, and the state of our planet about 3.8 billion years ago. It may provide the basic codes for existence on this planet, and it is even said that research of these rocks has shown that life could come from other worlds.

Metaphysically, Isua is a stone of truth and ancient wisdom that may offer access to the Akashic record, and the true history of the Earth (it is said that Isua Stone has only been discovered recently because the human race is now ready to receive these energies and truths). Some say that the ancient quality of this stone can be useful for travelling through time and space during meditation. It may help to reconnect with the state of consciousness in which one’s spirit first arrived to Earth, along with awareness of one’s earliest incarnations. It is also very grounding, helping to anchor the soul into the body. 

Related Weblinks:
Isua Crystal Skulls :
VIP Crystal Skull Alert :

Hi there! Yes, I've been writing little notes to let you know that the skullies have been arriving, safely. I love the Isua crystal skull and the little Citrine who is adorable and quite the helper!:) Thank you so much for this Tiger's Iron Skull."


  4)   Revisiting the Past : Three Billion Year Old Nuummite  

Nuummite is an extremely rare mineral that was first discovered in 1810, but was only rediscovered in 1982. Nuummite gets its name from "Nuuk", the capital region in Southwestern Greenland which is the only area in the world where genuine Nuummite can be found, with its spectacular flash and coloration caused by ancient volcanic activity. The area where Nuummite occurs is the “Isuakasia” iron ore, which dates back almost four billion years, making Nuummite one of the oldest minerals on Earth.

Nuummite has a similar appearance to labradorite in a way, but while labradorite has patches of iridescent color, the elongated crystals in Nuummite create flashes that are like dazzling fireworks in shades of gold, blue, green, and very rarely red, with infinite variations - each one is completely unique. Nuummite is so beautiful that it is primarily used for jewelry, and it is truly like no other stone on Earth.

Our VIP alert members were the first to hear about this "new find" back in 2010, after we discovered the awesome beauty and extraordinary power of this transformational stone. In our experience, it is truly one of the most powerful stones on the planet, equalled only by Moldavite. We were fortunate to develop a special relationship with the world's only source for genuine Nuummite crystal skulls, allowing us to secure all of the available Nuummite crystal skulls for you. The supply of Nuummite is so limited due to its extremely inaccessible location that some years we were told that is it... no more Nuummite crystal skulls at all will be made! And this year it has been confirmed again that they won't remove larger pieces of Nuummite from the mine any more, so it is no longer possible to get larger Nuummite crystal skulls. However, we still have a few remaining from the past years, including some even rarer Red-Flash Nuummite Crystal Skulls, as well as the largest and most powerful Nuummite crystal skull in the world.

We are VERY EXCITED to be able to offer 1-inch pocket size Nuummite crystal skulls again, which we have not been able to get since 2012!  We were finally able to have these made exclusively for us, and they are some of the most beautiful ones we have ever seen, with spectacular flash for their size. This now allows us to re-introduce the phenomenal 12 Nuummite Crystal Skulls sets so you can amplify the power even more - when Nuummite crystal skulls are put together, you can feel the intensity of the power in the room! Nuummite also increases the power of other crystal skulls around it, and is an excellent addition to any crystal skull collection. These 12 Nuummite Crystal Skulls sets feature some of every variety that Nuummite comes in, all included in one set: Red Flash, Gold Flash, Multi Flash, as well as Metallic Nuummite and also Nuummite with Quartz to further amplify their power!

AND we are able to offer NUUMMITE CRYSTAL SKULL PENDANTS made exlusively for us - these large Nuummite skull pendants are tremendously powerful and protective, while also being stunningly beautiful. We also have phenomenal new Advisor Crystal Skull pendulums made exclusively for us featuring a genuine large Nuummite Crystal Skull bob with a Nuummite bead at the top - an extremely powerful tool for divination!

Nuummite is known to be an extraordinarily powerful stone of transformation - it is like rocket fuel to propel you forward on your path. Nuummite helps to clear and release self-imposed limitations and constraints. It is also a stone for manifesting wealth and prosperity on the Earthly plane. Nuummite has extremely powerful energy, especially for grounding and protection, shielding you and your home/environment from all kinds of negative energy on the physical, etheric and emotional levels.

WARNING: even the smallest Nuummite crystal skulls can be catalysts for profound, rapid and positive change!

Related Weblinks:
Nuummite Crystal Skulls :
Large Nuummite Crystal Skulls :
RARE Red-Flash Nuummite Crystal Skulls :

"I have received the parcel today. It's five working days and a weekend exactly.  I am really
happy to finally see those lovely skulls in person. The nuummite ones are amazing, and the 2-inch one is a stunning example for nuummite and this is the first time I have seen and touched real nuummite in my life. Thank you again for everything you have done for me as well as the lovely free gifts you gave me. I look forward to buy from you again in the near future."


  5)   When Nuummite is not Nuummite - how to recognize a FAKE  

Genuine Nuummite only comes from one place on Earth in Greenland. Since the first genuine Greenland Nuummite crystal skulls emerged in 2010, we became the exclusive source of real Nuummite crystal skulls in the world as we were able to secure the entire production. Unfortunately, because the demand for ultra-rare Nuummite exceeded its supply, several varieties of fake nuumite skulls infiltrated the market, some of which were actually ordinary countertop granite. Most people have never seen genuine Greenland Nuummite because it is extremely rare, so this made it very confusing for the innocent crystal skull guardian and even for some normally reputable crystal skull dealers who purchased imitation nuummite skulls from unscrupulous sources, some of whom had the audacity to claim that their fake material came from Greenland. Some sources actually tried to pass off their fakes as a "lower grade of Nuummite". The major problem is that fake nuummite/nuummit does not come close in energy, beauty or power to genuine Nuummite, so those who have wrongly purchased imitation Nuummite do not get to experience its truly astounding benefits.

BEWARE: There are several stones that have been "mis-identified" as Nuummite:

ANTHOPHYLLITE WITH BIOTITE - this is what is most commonly sold as fake Nuummite - 90% of ALL so-called "Nuummite" is actually biotitic anthophyllite. One source on Etsy says "Tumbled NUUMMITE~ Also known as BIOTITIC ANTHOPHYLLITE", while another source on Ebay actually says "BIOTITIC ANTHOPHYLLITE / Chinese NUUMMITE". Greenland is the only source for genuine Nuummite with spectacular flash and extraordinary transformational power - "Chinese Nuummite" is FAKE NUUMMITE! Biotitc Anthophyllite IS NOT Nuummite. Some forms of anthophyllite are classed as asbestos! Biotitic Anthophyllite is a black stone with golden coppery flecks that are irregular shaped but sparkle throughout the stone.

ASTROPHYLLITE - Astrophyllite can closely resemble genuine Nuummite (and may be difficult to tell the difference from photographs). It is a black stone with long streaks of flash in either blue/green, silver, or gold, but these colors do not usually appear together. Astrophyllite actually has wonderful energetic properties, and is very striking, but it cannot match the power of genuine Nuummite.

BLACK GALAXY GRANITE (OR STELLAR NIGHT QUARTZ) - Another fake "Nuumite" that is being widely sold is a type of granite called Black Galaxy (or Star Galaxy, or Stellar Night) that you can see in most hardware stores as a sample option for countertops. It is actually a black gabbro with sparkling bronzite scales that look like shiny golden coppery square flecks, which are usually evenly distributed throughout the stone. This has no resemblance to genuine Nuummite, and has little or no energy.

GENUINE NUUMMITE FROM GREENLAND has long streaks or sprays of brilliant flash that looks like shooting stars or fireworks in various colors:
Multi-flash Nuummite has shades of blues, greens and golds
Gold Flash Nuummite has streaks of golden bronze
Rare Red Flash Nuummite has fiery sprays of reddish gold
The colors in genuine Nuummite can change depending on the lighting, and the flash formations in every piece of Nuummite are completely unique - no two are alike! Some Nuummites also have golden pyrite, silvery nickel, or quartz that enhance their power. (Our new 12 Nuummite Crystal Skulls sets feature some of every variety that Nuummite comes in, all included in one set: Red Flash, Gold Flash, Multi Flash, as well as Metallic Nuummite and also Nuummite with Quartz).

When you get your Nummite crystal skull from you can be assured that it is genuine Nuummite from the world's only source in Greenland. Combined with the activation with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR you are sure to benefit from one of the highest energies, blending the ancient properties of Nuummite with the power of the crystal skull for a truly transformational experience...

Related Weblinks:
More about Nuummite :
Black Galaxy Granite :

"I had some of the black granite fake stuff initially and returned it to the store after I bought my first set of Nuummites from you. Man was it obvious that it was fake once I held one of your skulls for even a moment."


  6)   First Time for Sha Na Ra  

The Ancient Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra is coming to the Pacific Northwest of the United States for the first time for a special presentation in Portland, Oregon, from March 24-26th. While you can always enjoy the benefits of Sha Na Ra's energies with one of our exclusive Sha Na Ra activated crystal skulls, there is a profound experience when you personally encounter a powerful ancient crystal skull like Sha Na Ra.  This is a one-of-a-kind crystal skull, one of the only crystal skulls in the world that has been tested and verified as truly ancient. It is well worth the trip!

You can also spend time with the guardian of Sha Na Ra, Michele Nocerino, daugther of F.R.'Nick' Nocerino who was the pioneer of crystal skull research (Nick Nocerino shared some of his remarkable research findings in his special DVD archive, and also created a guided crystal skull meditation). For more details on the Pacific Northwest events, email or call 360-810-7255. To book appointments for private sessions with Sha Na Ra in Portland, or in the Bay Area of San Francisco, or to make arrangements for a Sha Na Ra event in your area, you can contact Michele Nocerino directly: or call (925) 577-3957

Related Weblinks:
Sha Na Ra Crystal Skull :
Michele Nocerino :

"Thank you! I had my first package in the mail today. All Crystal Skulls have such a sweet energy. Sha Na Ra energized skulls are very loving. Amar energized crystals skulls have more loving teacher vibration and have very high frequency. My 2 cats were so curious. Time by time they sit by skulls... DVD is amazing. I am going to watch it again. I did not listen for meditation CD yet. Watching DVD took my whole evening. My crystals were activated by the gorgeous gift you sent (light box) and ancient solfeggio music. Thank you for such a beautiful gifts. The little chevron amethyst skull is so cute.

The Nuummite and Ancient Clear Quartz Skulls ARE GORGEOUS. I LOVE THEM! I felt with my heart they are close. It was communication on different level. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Nuummite skull is very powerful healer! Right away it started working on my heart. I love Nuummite skull. I was wearing for a while (real)nuummite with moldavite pendant. The energy of the pendant is nothing comparing to Nuummite Skull's energy. THANK YOU again. I am so glad I found your store and found beautiful friends. "


  7)   What's New & What's Next  


FULL MOON ACTIVATION MARCH 12: Any orders placed this week through Saturday night will be included in a Full Moon Activation on Sunday morning March 12 with the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR, and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM.

: Any orders placed from March 12 through March 19 can be included in the special Equinox Ceremony on the morning of March 20 UPON REQUEST - please put in the order comments "Hold for Equinox" when placing your order.

In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and unique crystal skulls, such as:

RARE Auralite 23 Ametrine from Canada - Still On Sale through Friday. Composed of 23 different minerals, including a high percentage of metals from meteorites containing rare metallic ores that crashed to Earth – thus Auralite incorporates extraterrestrial elements, connecting the earthly and celestial realms. Auralite 23 is a powerful all-purpose healer physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually because it offers so many different energies and properties from the various minerals it contains. 

RARE Morganite & Aquamarine Crystal Skulls - Aquamarine is the birthstone for March, and is considered to be one of the precious gemstones (along with ruby, diamond and emerald). Emerald, Aquamarine and Morganite are all precious Beryls: Emerald is a Green Beryl, Aquamarine is a Blue or Blue-Green Beryl, and Morganite is a Pink Beryl. Morganite is extremely rare, once sold only at Tiffany & Co."I also wanted to thank you so much for the amazing morganite pendant! Morganite is one of my favorite crystals, yet it's so difficult to find and usually quite expensive when I DO find it. I didn't even think of the possibility of finding a skull carved from that crystal. I love it when dreams you didn't even know you had come true!"

RARE Gibeon Meteorite Skulls & NEW Tektite Skull Pendants - Gibeon Meteorites exhibit extraordinary sacred geometric patterns etched on the surface, which are like otherworldly hieroglyphs. The Gibeon meteorite originated from the core of an unstable planet that briefly existed between Mars and Jupiter and now forms the asteroid belt - it is estimated to be 4 billion years old and crashed to Earth 1000 years ago. These Gibeon meteorite skulls are exquisitely carved by a master carver in the most stunning lifelike detail. And, we also have some NEW gem quality Black Tektite Crystal Skull Pendants in a gorgeous setting of 18K Gold plated vermeil, or with Sterling Silver.


Birthstones for April: Diamond and Opal (YES, we have crystal skulls in Opal and with Diamonds - but only 1 left)

In the next few weeks, we will be offering ULTRA-RARE Crystal Skulls from Greenland as described in this newsletter:

Nuummite Crystal Skulls - the stone of transformation! Including new Nuummite crystal skull pendants, new 1-inch pocket size skulls, and new 12 Nuummite Crystal Skulls sets, and phenomenal new Advisor Crystal Skull pendulums made exclusively for us featuring a genuine Nuummite Crystal Skull bob with a Nuummite bead at the top - an extremely powerful tool for divination!

Cryolite Crystal Skulls - the stone of invisibility! We will be offering white Cryolite crystal skulls in 2 sizes, as well as Cryolite skulls with Siderite, Pyrite, and Galena.

Isua Stone Crystal Skulls - a stone of truth and ancient wisdom that may offer access to the Akashic record. Among the oldest pieces of crust still around from Earth's earliest eons, Isua may provide the basic codes for existence on this planet, perhaps from other worlds. Some say that the ancient quality of this stone can be useful for travelling through time and space during meditation. We were able to secure all of the Isua Stone skulls available for this year.

AND... a special treat for St. Patrick's day for our Vip Alert customers

You can be the first to be notified when new crystal skulls become available by signing up for our free weekly VIP alert.

Related Weblinks:
Free  Weekly VIP Alert :

"Just letting you know that I received my new skull! Thanks for the gifts. While I have a small skull collection going on - nuumite remains my favorite . There is so much fake stuff on the market. I am glad that you showed me what real nuumite is about."


  8)   Crystal Skull Answers : Don't Wear Nummite Unless One Desires Change?  

At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:

QUESTION: "I have a piece of jewellery which includes a nummite bead. Some people say one should not wear nummite unless one desires change. Does that mean that once the required change has been fully achieved, one should stop wearing that piece of jewellery which also includes a crystal skull of a different crystal?"

ANSWER: Nuummite is definitely a stone of transformation that facilitates and accelerates change, which we are always in the process of going through, so it would be fine to continue wearing it to support you through the constant changes in day to day life. It also has many other phenomenal energetic properties that you can benefit from by wearing Nuummite, or carrying it with you.

Nuummite is a powerful stone for grounding and protection, shielding you and your environment from all kinds of negative energies on the physical, etheric and emotional levels. Therefore it is an excellent stone to wear and to have with you whenever you are out in the world to create an energetic shield wherever you go.

Nuummite is an extremely powerful stone for manifesting wealth and prosperity on the Earthly plane (especially Gold Flash Nuummite). Wearing Nuummite, particularly with pyrite, increases your energetic vibration to resonate at the frequencies of abundance, thereby attracting opportunities to create and experience prosperity. It is a stone of personal magic, increasing the frequency of synchronicities and "good luck" in life.

Nuummite helps one develop self-mastery, confidence and self-acceptance, supporting one to love all aspects of oneself. It assists one to come into full power, and to recognize one's gifts and talents, and also helps to clear and release self-imposed limitations and constraints. Wearing Nuummite, or carrying it with you, supports you to express your best and most empowered self at all times.

Nuummite can open, activate and integrate all of the chakras; it is especially beneficial for opening and clearing the heart chakra, as well as the third eye and solar plexus. Wearing Nuummite can increase intuition and clarity, allowing your heart to guide you to your truth, and increasing your will and your power to achieve and create what you most desire.

Related Weblinks:
Experience Crystal Skull Jewelry :
Designer Crystal Skull Jewelry:

"My husband bought the pyrite and nuummite bracelet earlier for me and gave it to me for my birthday. It is my first piece of skull jewelry and it feels amazing, thank you! "


  8)   DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month - you could receive a FREE 12 Quartz Crystal Skulls Set!  

CONGRATULATIONS! This month's recipient of an energized 12 Quartz Crystal Skulls Set is Roberto B. from Ontario, Canada

a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...

b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini PURPLE GOLDSTONE CRYSTAL SKULL (while quantities last). Purple goldstone is said to be a Master Healer - It's deep midnight purple color with glittering flecks sparkles throughout like a galaxy.

c) Get FREE SHIPPING when you buy at least 3 OR MORE crystal skulls - must use coupon code: BUY3 during checkout (some exceptions may apply on large skulls, sale items, and overseas orders)

d) AND... Every order placed between March 8 through April 6 will automatically qualify for a chance to RECEIVE A FREE 12 QUARTZ CRYSTAL SKULLS SET valued at $198!

Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
12 Crystal Skull Sets :
Start your search for crystal skulls here :

"I keep a nuumite skull with me at all times and it is very effective."


  9)   A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"Mastering Change and Transformation"

crystal skull Amar

In life, no two moments are ever the same, from moment to moment to moment, the entire world changes, so change is the only constant. No two waves are alike, no two snowflakes are alike, no two people are alike, and no two crystal skulls are alike – the differences create the exquisite beauty of this phenomenal creation, as each and every moment, and each and every thing is completely unique. It is a marvel of Creation.

Like the ocean, change comes in constant waves, and is attuned to a particular energetic wavelength and frequency. The frequency of change at this time on Earth is extreme – many remain in fear of change, or in resistance to it, but you can no more hold back change than you can hold water in your hand, because change is fluid. When you try to stop change, you create a dam in your life that stops the flow… Better to choose the change that you desire to create. You cannot stop the wind, but you can adjust your sails so you can flow in your chosen direction…

Resisting change is tantamount to resisting the flow of Creation, which in itself is not only exhausting, but is also destructive. Instead, become the master of transformation! Every creation has form – if you desire to change the form of the creation you are experiencing, then you have the power to transform it, if you believe it to be so. You have all the Power of the Universe, all the Power of Creation in your mind, in your heart, and in your Will… if you Will it to be so, then so it will be.

The crystal skulls can help you to harness the power of your mind, the power of your heart, the power of your Will, and the power of Creation itself, so you can be the master of the change you desire to create. Every breath you take forever changes everything around you, every thought you think alters the fabric of Creation, every feeling you have ripples through eternity as it vibrates throughout the Universe – you are that powerful, for you are a Creator! This is the Divine gift of Free Will, and it is yours to do with as you Will… Choose well, and wisely… and Divinely…

Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :

"The nuumites are creating some incredible shifts... deeply grateful to you! "


  10   Featured Testimonial : About "A Shaman's Stone"  

" I just want to share that I had been thinking about this purchase for months before I made it. I had some extra money due in and I planned on getting a new crystal skull, I kept coming back to the Nuummite ones. I decided that would be the one. So after ordering, I was like a kid waiting for Christmas. I was excited knowing that things were in motion and when the package finally came it was a cause for great celebration.

The first thing that struck me about the Nuummite skull was its heavy solid presence and then its beauty. The first journey with it, it showed me where it had come from, presenting me images of the matrix it was formed in, and creatures that had passed by it over the millennia. It is truly one of the most ancient things I have ever held. It communicates with me in images, and it is a shaman's stone and came to me because it wants to be used that way.

I am also glad that I got the rose quartz one as well. Its light, finely carved beauty is actually a nice complement to the deep work of it's Nuummite friend. I feel very grateful that you can provide and match up these beautiful spirit tools with the right people they need to work with."

PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)

Experience the power of our offerings for yourself:

Wishing you all the best,

MD & the Team

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