Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls
"Since the crystal skulls came into my life, I have felt safe and not alone anymore, in a way that I cannot describe"   
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Empowering  You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source
Vol. 17-01
Special Focus:
Clarity for 2017
Dear %$firstname$%,

This month we are featuring:
1. Sha Na Ra welcomes in the New Year
2. The Full Moon & Friday the 13th
3. Universal Energy for 2017
4. Chinese New Year: Red Fire Rooster
5. Resolutions & Solutions for Life
6. Any Special Requests?
7. What's New & What's Next
8. Crystal Skull Answers : Receiving Accurate Answers with a Pendulum
9. DON'T MISS These Special FREE offers this month - receive a 12 Crystal Skulls Set!
10. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR - "Accessing Divine Consciousness"
11. Featured Testimonial: About "Emotional Praise"

  1)   Sha Na Ra welcomes in the New Year  

F.R. “Nick” Nocerino was the guardian of the 13-pound Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA, which he discovered using psychic archeology. Nick Nocerino was one of the first acredited professors of parapsychology, and is widely considered to be the grandfather of crystal skull research. He founded the Crystal Skulls Society International in 1949 after his first encounter with a mysterious Ancient Crystal Skull belonging to a Secret Society in France during WWII. This experience inspired a lifelong fascination with crystal skulls, which led him to be one of the only people on Earth to have studied and spent time with most of the known Ancient Crystal Skulls, including some that have since “disappeared” from the public. SHA NA RA is one of the only crystal skulls in the world that has been scientifically tested to be truly ancient, and which was also found at an archeological dig.

Nick Nocerino's daughter, Michele Nocerino, is carrying on her father's legacy as the guardian of SHA NA RA. You can experience the powerful energies of this very rare Ancient Crystal Skull for yourself as Michele offers private sessions with SHA NA RA in the San Francisco Bay Area, and also travels to do events and private sessions with SHA NA RA:

January 21st through January 31st - Phoenix, AZ area - Contact: Michele (925) 577-3957

February 18th & 19th - Los Angeles, Glendale, CA area - Contact: Michele (925) 577-3957

February 21st - Guerneville, CA Center for Sacred Studies - Contact: Valerie (707) 604-7362

March 24th through March 26th - Portland, OR - Contact: Laurie (360) 810-7255

April 5th through April 11th - Nevada City, CA - Contact: Michele (925) 577-3957

Michele and SHA NA RA wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR and hope to see you in 2017!

Amethyst Crystal Skulls

Another crystal skull that was in Nick Nocerino’s personal collection is named “Zia”, which has a very unique carving style. We recently introduced a few new crystal skulls that are carved in the distinctive “Zia” style, and they were specially energized with both Zia and with SHA NA RA.

Related Weblinks:
Michele Nocerino:
Crystal Skull Events :
Sha Na Ra Energized Crystal Skulls :

" I got my Sha na ra skull it's amazing. In meditation it felt like it drew me into a state of oneness that filled me with loving energy. Thanks again."


  2)   The Full Moon & Friday the 13th  

Thursday, January 12 is the Wolf Full Moon, which has some very powerful and challenging aspects. The wolf is a spirit animal that represents intuition and awareness. Western Astrologers are warning that it will be a time of intensity for several days around this full moon where there is likely to be a lot of pressure to make decisions, and a lot of strain on relationships. This is a time of endings and new beginnings, pushing us to make important changes for the year ahead and inviting us to live in a different way than we have in the past, especially as the world is changing and the old way of doing things may not be right anymore... For many, this can be a time of clarity, awareness and illumination. It is best to try to stay as calm and peaceful as possible throughout the days surrounding this full moon, and work with meditation and your crystal skulls to find clarity for yourself and your life going forward. The projects that you begin toward the end of January are likely to grow and have long-lasting benefits, so take time now to choose how you would like to invest your time and energy for the year ahead.

This Friday is also Friday the 13th, which many people believe is unlucky. Although there is a great deal of fear and superstition around the number 13, it is actually a number of great spiritual power. The legend of the crystal skulls speaks of 12 crystal skulls in a circle with 1 in the center = 13 crystal skulls that hold ancient power and wisdom and the keys to Ascension. The number 13 representing power and wisdom is also found with the 12 Apostles who surrounded the 1 Christ. In Tibetan culture, 13 is a lucky, auspicious and holy number - in early Tibetan fairy tales, heaven had 13 layers, with the 13th layer being the pure land of no desire.

Related Weblinks:
January Wolf Moon Symbolism :
13 Crystal Skull Sets :

"I wanted to comment on the set of (13) rainbow skulls I received this week. They are absolutely beautiful. The lemon size skull is so full of rainbows and vibrates with Amar's energy. I meditated next to the matrix after I Welcomed them all properly and placed them in my stargate and Amar vividly came to me (he peeked in) to see me. He was curious to see who I was. Amar's energy is wonderful and I love the set I received. I look forward to following the mediation I purchased from you. Many thanks!!!"


  3)   Universal Energy for 2017  

For thousands of years all over the world, mystics have employed numerology and astrology to comprehend the past, present and future. Here are some insights for 2017 for the times we are in, and the time to come:

In numerology, 2016 was a ‘9’ Year (2+0+1+6=9), the number of completion & endings. This is a time to reflect on all we have learned over the past 9 years, to integrate the wisdom we have gained, and apply these insights to prepare for a brand new cycle of 9 years from 2017 to 2025.

2017 is a '1' Year (2 + 0 + 1 + 7 = 10 = 1), which is a new beginning. In many spiritual practices, the number ONE represents God/Creator, it is the number of Unity, of the Divine, the Beginning... A "1" year is the start of a new 9-year cycle of creativity, learning and growth. This is a time to plant the seeds of intention for the forthcoming cycle – your deepest heartfelt desires, dreams and visions for every area of your life: relationships, health, finances, career, lifestyle, spirituality etc. The intentions and foundations you set in place during 2017 (preferrably early in 2017), mold the field of potentiality and set the tone and flow of energy within your life over the forthcoming 9 years.

OBSIDIAN is a powerful stone to use in a ‘1’ Year. Obsidian leads you into new beginnings, new possibilities, and new awakened levels of consciousness. It helps you to believe in yourself, step into your light and allow spirit to guide your steps forward in the realization of your dreams. Obsidian helps you to think ‘outside of the box’ and not be stuck in a rut of conformity/obligation. It is a stone of transformation, the rainbow bridge of infinite possibility and quantum potential.

Related Weblinks:
Rainbow Obsidian :
Black Obsidian :

"Success! And WOW! Thanks bunches to both of you! I'm really happy with all of them! I don't feel lots of energy from lots of rocks, like some people do, but once in a while there is a definite experience. Here, it is the Obsidian Skull, which was really unexpected! It is neat.  I get it with the larger Smokey too! Really beautiful, and just what I had in mind. Thanks for taking all the time with me that you did! I like them all!   Thanks again, to both of you! I wish you both much peace, love, joy, and prosperity."


  4)   Chinese New Year: Red Fire Rooster  

January 28 marks the Chinese New Year, the start of the year of the Red Fire Rooster, which will continue until February 15th 2018. According to Chinese astrology, the Rooster years are about integrity, loyalty, responsibility and efficiency - hard work, patience and commitment are key to achieving goals and success. This year can be beneficial for career and financial investments. Do not complicate things by over-thinking and analyzing too much.

The Year of the Rooster will be a powerful one for moving forward. We will all tend to have more passion in life, especially regarding work, and we will not hesitate to roll up our sleeves in order to reach our objectives. With more courage than usual, we will not be defeated by difficulties and adversities. However, it is important to maintain flexibility, because according to Chinese people, the rooster is very conservative, so there is a risk of being inflexible and refusing to change ideas or life strategies, even though they might be inadequate for the future.

People are likely to be more polite and less stubborn, and will be more honest and passionate in their relationships. Initiative, industriousness, generosity, and honesty are the key positive features of this time period, while fanaticism, egocentrism, and coarseness are the weaknesses which must be overcome. Family values are important, and it is a good time to spend in solitude and harmony with friends and family.

In 2017 the characteristics of the Rooster will be predominant : ambition, pride, the desire to be admired, punctuality, courage, passion, love and seduction. This year, impressions count, so you’ll want to look your best and be clear on your intentions concerning love, money, and business. They say in China that the year of the Fire Rooster is a time when everyone receives what he deserves.

From the earliest times in China, jade was valued as the most precious material above gold, silver or any other stone, so in honor of the Chinese New Year, we will be offering some gorgeous new NEPHRITE JADE crystal skulls, which are of gem quality. Amethyst is also said to bring luck and success in the year of the Rooster, so we will be offering new Amethyst crystal skulls, which is the birthstone for February. (sign up for our Free VIP Alert)

Related Weblinks:
Jade Crystal Skulls :
Amethyst Crystal Skulls :

Just wanted to say a big thank you for the Sha Na Ra Smokey Quartz  pendant. The beautiful energy is just what I needed. I have just placed another order as the energy is just out of this world. Every order Im blessed to receive is just so amazing! Thank you again for bringing such love and light through these
beautiful skulls."


  5)   Resolutions & Solutions for Life  

At this time of year, many people are focused on resolutions and trying hard not to break them, although they are often wrestling with their willpower and self-sabotage. In order to be successful in reaching our goals, we must be in complete alignment on all levels and in all parts of ourselves: body, mind, heart, spirit & will. If any part of ourselves is not aligned with our desired outcome, it will be difficult to achieve what we think we desire, because we will be fighting with some aspect of our self. There are ways to determine what is truly for your highest joy and in alignment with your greatest good - one of the best and easiest tools to use is a pendulum to access your own divine wisdom and higher knowing.

Let us look at the definitions of "RESOLUTION" and how a pendulum can help you:

1) A promise to yourself to do or to not do something - a pendulum can advise you what are the best actions to take, what are the best foods and supplements for you at the present time, and what are your best choices in any moment
2) An official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted - a pendulum can clearly show what is the best decision to make in any given situation, in a way that everyone can easily see to resolve any conflict (we often use it to resolve arguments!)
3) The act of solving or ending a problem or difficulty - a pendulum can help you choose what is the best solution to any problem and guide you to the best steps to take
4) The ability of an instrument to show things clearly and with a lot of detail - a pendulum helps bring clarity to any situation, providing as much detail as desired
5) The outcome of decision making - a pendulum can help you choose the best options so you can experience the highest resolutions

Pendulums have been used all over the world for thousands of years to locate lost or hidden things, to access higher guidance, to make the best choices and decisions, and to get clear direction. A pendulum acts like an antenna to attune you to receive clear answers to any question, and show you the best solutions to any problem in a way that you can clearly see and feel. An Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum works with the power of crystal skulls to amplify the clarity of your responses. It is a small yet powerful tool that you can carry with you everywhere so you can get clear and immediate answers to all your questions anytime and anywhere.

All of the messages for 2017 are in agreement, whether it comes through numerology, astrology or the Chinese Zodiac, that the choices, decisions and intentions that we make at this time will have long-lasting effects, so it is vitally important to choose wisely...

Related Weblinks:
Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulums :
Pendulums as Divination System :
Himalayan Quartz Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulum Review :

"I am truly amazed at the calmness that my pendulum has instilled in my inner space. I truly feel the weight of the presence of spirit and knowledge. I could be wrong but I have never felt so complete and calm. . "


  6)   Any Special Requests?  

We will soon be embarking on a quest to find new and amazing crystal skulls for you from the best carvers from around the world. If there is a particular crystal skull that you have been wishing for, please let us know and we will do our best to find it for you - just email us with "special request" in the subject line at - also, during this time, we may be presenting some very special offers on some unique crystal skulls, so make sure you sign up for our free VIP Alert so you can see them first.

Please keep in mind that while we are away for a few days on a buying trip looking for wonderful new crystal skulls for you, we will not be able to ship most orders in the last week in January, so shipping will resume after February 2.

Related Weblinks:
New Crystal Skulls :
Free VIP Crystal Skull Alert :

" I received my skull this morning & took it out of the box immediately. To feel the energies, I held it in my left hand & closed my eyes. Wow! The energy is very powerful! I've worked with skulls for several years and had the pleasure of meeting Max & Joann Parks a few times. Thank you for energizing this skull with AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull. It's come to a good home."


  7)   What's New & What's Next  

In the past few weeks, we have offered some new rare and unique crystal skulls, such as:

RARE BLUE AMBER CRYSTAL SKULLS - Blue amber is regarded as the rarest of all ambers; Blue Amber from Sumatra is thought to be 15-25 million years old. When seen in natural light, these Blue Amber crystal skulls have a deep amber color, but when you shine a light directly on the surface, it glows with blue tones. We still have a few gorgeous large Sumatran Blue Amber Crystal Skulls available.

LIFE-SIZE MASTERS - A trio of gorgeous life-size crystal skulls carved in Citrine, Smoky Quartz and Clear Quartz by the same Brazilian carver as the 4 Master Crystal Skulls in a more manageable size.

SHA NA RA ENERGIZED "ZIA" SKULLS - Zia is a crystal skull that was in Nick Nocerino’s personal collection, with a very unique carving style where the jawbone is completely cut out in an oval shape that resembles a keyhole. We still have a few crystal skulls that are carved in the distinctive “Zia” style, and they were specially energized with both Zia and with SHA NA RA. Zia is a crystal skull with a lot of personality, and these crystal skulls are truly adorable.

SPECIAL VALUE PRICED CRYSTAL SKULLS - only 2 left at special low prices, including a large Smoky Quartz crystal skull

GOLDEN PYRITE CRYSTAL SKULLS - energized in our special Solstice Activation Ceremony to usher in abundance and prosperity for 2017. These shiny golden crystal skulls are carved in Pyrite and Chalcopyrite in a full range of sizes, including life-like anatomical carvings by a master carver

ULTRA-RARE RED-FLASH NUUMMITE CRYSTAL SKULLS - To facilitate and accelerate Transformation for 2017. Red Flash Nuummite ignites power and passion, fuels intention, and facilitates bursts of energy to move you forward on your desired path like a rocket, propelling you in the direction that you want your life to take, and helping you fulfill your destiny. It is magnetic, attracting positive change and rapid growth.


In the next few weeks, we will be offering some special crystal skulls for Valentine's Day, including some gorgeous large Star Rose Quartz crystal skulls carved by one of the top crystal skull carvers in the world, and a few Designer Crystal Skull Jewelry pieces with a Valentine's theme (all Designer Crystal Skull jewelry will be shipped after our designer returns at the beginning of February).

We will also be offering some stunning Rainbow Obsidian Crystal Skulls in smaller sizes, along with new gem quality Nephrite Jade crystal skulls. AND... we will have some very special crystal skulls carved in Peru that have been energized in the ancient Q'ero Karpay LIGHT TRANSMISSIONS to activate the DNA! Among many others, including some special and unique offerings on our crystal skull quest...

You can be the first to be notified when new crystal skulls become available by signing up for our free weekly VIP alert.

Related Weblinks:
Free  Weekly VIP Alert :

"I especially was excited to find some skulls energized with Sha Na Ra. I have been ordering from you this past year and I have been enjoying all of the new additions to the household...  I feel like I shouldn't have a favorite, but it does feel like that is actually the case with all of them when I think of them they all seem to feel like that one is my favorite! Terrible ;)  I feel like I will be the guardian of the 4 masters! (The four direction large skulls) They really call out to me! SO interesting I am excited to learn how all of this will come to pass. Sometimes feel like my own head is a crystal skull!  Thank you for your wonderful work!"


  7)   Crystal Skull Answers : Receiving Accurate Answers with a Pendulum  

At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:

QUESTION: "I ordered one of your pendulums a few months back. You said we could email if we had any questions.

1. I taught mine to circle clockwise for yes, counter for no. On some questions or at certain times it will give a very powerful yes or no and other times it just gives a small circular motion. Do the more powerful responses mean anything, like perhaps it is more certain?

2. I always ask for my highest good/power to come through and clear my mind of expectations. Sometimes to test it I will ask something I'm not too invested in, like should I eat dinner at a certain restaurant. It will say yes, so I go to eat there and it will be too long a wait or it will be closed. Something will usually end up happening to make me question why I got the yes answer. Do you have any insight as to what is going on in cases like these?"


1. The pendulum is an amazing tool that gives answers in a way that you can clearly see and feel. You are correct that it will give answers of different intensity based on the degree of certainty of the energy in question. A pendulum is a tool that communicates with energy - it accesses the invisible and makes it visible. A pendulum acts like an antenna to connect with higher guidance and the "field of All-Knowing" to access information of all kinds. It is essentially like a two-way radio where your mind conveys the energy of your questions as thought-frequency, and the pendulum responds instantaneously and almost miraculously with movements that correspond to positive and negative energies. This is the pendulum's way of speaking to you - and it allows your own divine guidance to speak to you in a way that you can clearly see, feel and understand. The movements are the pendulum's "voice", so a small circle is like a whisper, but the stronger the energy is the more powerfully the pendulum will respond - sometimes the energy of the answer can be so strong that it makes the circle move with such intensity that it is almost like horizontal helicopter blades and can actually fly out of your hand!! The greater the intensity of the response, the more certain it is and the more power and energy it has - just as with different levels of the human voice where a yell is a far more intense response than a whisper. What is most remarkable and amazing is watching these responses appear before your eyes simply by asking a question - when you receive an answer that is so strong that it nearly pulls the pendulum out of your fingers, it is truly astounding, especially when you watch it whip the pendulum in circles faster than your hand could actually move! There are indeed powerful divine forces at work with the pendulum!

Mystery of the Crystal Skulls Unlocking the Secrets

2. Asking mundane questions that you are not emotionally invested in is actually good practice for you as a pendulum dowser rather than a test of the pendulum. Pendulum dowsing is an art that has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world, and the accuracy of the answers depends on the precision of the questions and the clarity of mind and intention of the dowser. It is essential to "always ask for my highest good/power to come through and clear my mind of expectations", so that is excellent to start with. Because the pendulum is a tool that can answer any "yes/no" question, it is important to ask only one question at a time. Therefore, asking whether you should eat dinner at a certain restaurant will only indicate whether you should eat at that restaurant. It will not indicate what day and time you should eat there, unless you follow up with a time frame in the question "Should I eat dinner at this restaurant tonight?", then follow up with, "Would it be best to go there now?", or "Would 8pm be a good time to eat there?" Keep in mind that the Universal Divine Guidance that the pendulum is tapping into has a "bigger picture" perspective on your life than you can imagine, so sometimes there can be a purpose to being guided to a certain place at a certain time, even if it is not what you had in mind. Sometimes you may be guided there to wait in a long line because of whom you might meet there, or because while you are waiting you may be given an idea or inspiration for something, or waiting there may have you avoid an accident on the road going home - as humans, we can't know everything, but our Divine Guidance does, and can guide us with the pendulum to the best of our ability... There is nothing and no one on Earth that is 100% accurate, but as with any art, the more you practice and work with the pendulum, the more accurate and powerful your answers will be.

Related Weblinks:
Advisor Crystal Skull Pendulums :
How Pendulums Work :
History of Pendulum Dowsing :

"The advisor pendulum is amazing! It practically saved my hide, i was going to work and I felt an ominous feeling of "don't go that way" so I took the scenic root after consulting my new advisor pendulum. Upon arrival I learned that there was a wreck on my usual route the resulted in two deaths. The advisor pendulums are literal life savers in my opinion! I'm shaken but glad I decided to get one! Many thanks"


  8)   DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month - you could receive a FREE  Solstice Energized 12 Crystal Skulls Set!  

CONGRATULATIONS! This month's recipient of an Energized 12  Ascension Quartz Crystal Skulls Set set is Nichole D. from California, USA

a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...

b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini AMETHYST CRYSTAL SKULL (while quantities last). Amethyst facilitates communion and communication with one’s guides and with higher realms of consciousness. Amethyst also creates a bubble of protective light around you.

c) Get FREE SHIPPING when you buy at least 3 OR MORE crystal skulls - must use coupon code: BUY3 during checkout (some exceptions may apply on large skulls, sale items, and overseas orders)

d) AND... Every order placed between January 10 through February 7 will automatically qualify for a chance to RECEIVE A FREE 12 CRYSTAL SKULLS SET valued at $198!

Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
12 Crystal Skull Sets :
Start your search for crystal skulls here :

"This is the 3rd skull I have bought and I also won the 12 clear quartz set! I have purchased all of your meditations, all of which I treasure and get great use out of. I would love to thank you for all that I have learned, and for the wonderful skulls also! I regularly use the set of 12 to meditate with and also to further activate my other skulls. My two Sha Na Ra activated skulls have become valuable healers and companions. I also love the energies from Cana Ixm and Amar! Thank you for all of your thoughtful consideration and priceless products you offer! They have changed my life, thank you! "


  9)   A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"Accessing Divine Consciousness"

crystal skull Amar

Humans are Light Beings of crystalline consciousness. They are designed to be in tune, attuned, and at One with ALL THAT IS. Over time, humanity has become more dense, more 3rd dimensional, and the human mind has taken precedence from the Divine Mind, as humans have become more material and less spiritual. The Ancients used rituals, ceremonies and practice to maintain their connection with Divine Wisdom and with the All That Is, which allowed them to channel Divine Guidance to master technologies that cannot even be fathomed today.

The Universe is always trying to communicate with you, if you will only listen. There are infinite tools available, such as pendulums, astrology, and other divininatory tools and sciences, and there are also crystal skulls! Crystal skulls are a conduit and a vessel for Divine Conssiousness. It is a way for your own guides and Divine Guidance to commune and communicate directly with you. All you need to do is open your mind...

12-21-12 marked the opening of the gateway for the Earth to begin its ascension to higher dimensional frequencies - humans must now raise their frequency and become more light, becoming crystalline consciousness - the crystal skulls have come at this time to facilitate and accelerate this process, as we have done before. Now more than ever it is essential for you to be light, to see the Light, to receive the Light. Light is knowledge, wisdom and information, Light is power, Light is love, and Light is life itself. Be nourished by the Light, be guided by the Light, BE LIGHT!

Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR :

"Thank you so much for the skulls. They brought immense joy!  Also, there were two gifts in the pack - two extra small skulls (an opalite one and a quartz one) Thank you so much!  The opal one is teaching me a lot. We're communicating through color and light. It's very wise :)  I will attach some pictures of the ceremony I did for their welcoming and honoring. At the end of the ceremony, they opened up and they showed me many things. They gave me great gifts and insights. Thank you for the work that you do here and for making it possible for this energy to be spread in the world! Very grateful, "


  10   Featured Testimonial : About "Emotional Praise"  

" Just wanted to say how overwhelmed I am at the most beautiful skull ever I received from you today. I'm quite emotional really as she simply exceeded immensly my expectations. The quality is supreme and she radiates the whole room.

This was my first skull bought from you and cannot praise you enough on your choice of workmanship and quality - she will be with me and my other skulls for a life time and beyond. I feel she has been waiting patiently until the time was right when I connected with her........ She is now one of the family for sure.

I thank you for your patience with me as it is difficult to choose a skull without touching it but on this occasion I followed my instincts with your guidance and have to say we got it right!!!!

Please convey my thanks to Michele Nocerino also for keeping her for me and energising her with Sha na ra."

PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)

Experience the power of our offerings for yourself:

Wishing you all the best for 2017,

MD & the Team

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