Information, Discoveries and Insights about Crystal Skulls |
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Empowering You & Your Crystal Skulls
From your trusted source
Vol. 15-03
Special Focus:
Equinox Friday &
The Quickening
Dear %$firstname$%,
This month we are featuring:
1. The Secret Life of Plants
2. Spring Cleaning - Weeding Out Negative Thoughts
3. The Rites of Spring
4. Super Friday March 20 - Equinox & New Moon & Solar Eclipse & Supermoon
5. Ancient Sha Na Ra Crystal Skull - L.A. Bound
6. Crystal Skull Birthstone for April : Diamond - Opal
7. Crystal Skull Answers : Effect on their energy radiance?
8. DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month & win a 12 crystal skulls set
9. A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR -
"The Quickening: Manifesting at the Speed of Thought"
10. Featured Testimonial: About "Laughing with Crystal Skulls"
1) |
The Secret Life of Plants |
With this coming weekend marking the first day of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere, many places are already starting to see nature springing to life after the dormant cycle of winter. The plant kingdom is imbued with divine intelligence as infinite numbers of plants follow similar rhythms all around the world. The idea that plants may be sentient, despite their lack of a nervous system and a brain, may be Nature's Secret. Is there a physical, emotional, and spiritual relationship between plants and man? Is there a profound consciousness or awareness that bonds all things together? These are ideas shared in a video documentary based on the New York Times best-selling book, “The Secret Life of Plants” by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.
Are plants intelligent? Do they prefer classical music to Rock & Roll? Could the plants be reading your mind? The answers may still be controversial - at least to the scientific community - yet many people believe and have experienced how plants do respond to their environment. And this pioneering work has led to a new field of research: "plant neurobiology" - aimed at understanding how plants perceive their circumstances and respond to environmental input in an integrated fashion.
Our planet (& Universe) continues to present us with 'yet' unexplained wonders, which can make life on Earth a magical experience, if we allow it. Plants, animals and crystals seem to have their own frequencies of consciousness, so perhaps it is time for humanity to stop regarding plants (as well as crystal skulls) as passive objects. If one devotes oneself to the exploration of these mysteries, we may very well contribute to providing valuable new insights for mankind.
Related Weblinks:
Video - The Secret Life of Plants :
Book - The Secret Life of Plants:
"My [crystal skull] friend arrived yesterday .... We have already bonded ...I put in my pocket all day and felt peaceful and calm and a feeling I have no words for...hope that it continues...thank you"
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Spring Cleaning - Weeding Out Negative Thoughts |
With spring approaching, it is time to prepare to plant new seeds - the New Moon is also a time to plant new ideas in your mind in order to manifest new outcomes in your life. Your mind is a fertile garden in which any idea that you focus attention on will grow, which will eventually blossom and manifest in your life. Negative thoughts are like weeds in the garden. Nature abhors a vacuum, and will immediately fill any empty space. If you do not plant enough positive thoughts, then weeds of negativity will start to grow in the cracks.
What do you do when you see weeds in your garden? Do you freak out, fearing that they are taking over, worrying that the beautiful garden you are planting will be ruined? That will only happen if you do nothing about the weeds of negativity - if you allow them to continue growing, then they will take over the garden of your mind and of your life, because weeds grow prolifically if left unchecked. They can rob the light from the seeds you have planted, overshadowing them and choking the life out of them, but only if you allow this to occur. You can recognize the weeds of negativity, and choose to carefully weed them out of the garden of your mind.
In order for any seed to grow, it needs to be nurtured. As you plant new ideas in your mind of what you want to experience in your life, you must energize these intentions with your attention, nurturing them with your loving energy and faith until they emerge and grow into your new outer reality. Crystal skulls can assist you to focus your thoughts and intentions on what you choose to manifest, while also clearing out negativity. Our Crystal Skull Protection & Manifestation Kit can support you to manifest your desires and intentions with simple instructions for creating crystal skull grids. A larger Quartz Crystal Skull can empower you to direct your intentions to meet your ideal outcome, as quartz is a powerful amplifier and magnifier of thought, energy and intention. A Jet Crystal Skull can also support positive change because Jet naturally absorbs negative energy, alleviates grief and depression (the larger perhaps the better), while also protecting finances. Those who are truly ready for accelerated growth and change can benefit from the extraordinary transformational power of genuine Nuummite - one of the oldest and rarest stones on Earth, with exquisitely beautiful flash.

Related Weblinks:
Crystal Skull Protection & Manifestation Kit :
Jet Crystal Skulls :
Rainbow Quartz Crystal Skull :
Nuummite Crystal Skuls :
" I bought a few new skulls a couple weeks ago. Two nuummite skulls one tennis ball size the other golf ball size. I also bought a tennis ball size Sha Na Ra crystal skull. I wondered how I was going to know if I was benefitting from them. I could easily feel the energy they send out but the test for me with new tools is how is my life experience changes. First I noticed a much higher vibration in my own field. However the most noticeable change is the quality of my thoughts and ideas. My thoughts are noticeably upgraded. Amazing! I highly recommend these products"
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The Rites of Spring |
For centuries, people all over the world have celebrated the rites of spring and the re-awakening of new life. There are many different forms of rituals, celebrations and traditions - personal and universal - surrounding the coming of spring, especially at power grid points around the planet. Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth, a time of transition when the soul lets go of the old and plants symbolic new seeds. You might consider honoring this time by creating rituals of your own, or perhaps by selecting one or more of these 12 ways of rejuvenating your internal self.

Related Weblinks:
12 Ways to Inaugurate the Season:
"I have placed my first order and received my crystal sculls. Not only are they awesome but I have to remark on your site. It is so very informative. There is an abundance of information that others would charge to share. I received a free gift which I passed along to a new acquaintance who is in to crystals but had not discovered sculls as yet. Gave her your site info. She was overwhelmed with positive energy. I look forward to many happy exchanges in the future. Thanks, pleasurable positivity, and good karma.... "
4) |
Super Friday March 20 - Equinox & New Moon & Solar Eclipse & Supermoon |
Throughout history, man has been looking at the sky for signs. Even our best science of today is on a perpetual quest to unravel the mysteries of the Milky Way and beyond. Before we even knew that Earth was not the center of the Universe, the natural occurrence of an eclipse or a comet was a powerful sign of change in the times to come.

On March 20, 2015 – the same date as the equinox – the moon becomes a NEW MOON only 14 hours after reaching lunar perigee, which is the point when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit. That makes this New Moon a SUPERMOON. Although it is not visible in our sky because it is a New Moon, a supermoon has a larger-than-average effect on Earth’s oceans. Plus this New Supermoon moves right in front of the Equinox Sun on March 20, so that the moon’s shadow will create a total solar eclipse!
Nowadays, we do understand many of the scientific aspects when it comes to eclipses and equinox - yet we do not often pay attention or fully comprehend some of their spiritual impacts. In many cultures, particularly those that are indigenous, the equinox represents a very significant time of the year. It is the time of balance, when light and dark reside together in equal measure, representing harmony within duality.
The energies of the crystal skulls can empower and assist you at these powerful times to create and maintain balance and harmony, within yourself and in your world. We invite you to experience (and to share) this free dedicated crystal skull meditation as our gift to you.
Related Weblinks:
Free Crystal Skull Meditation:
"I have started using both of my skulls in my meditation and am having greater clarity with my results."
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Ancient Sha Na Ra Crystal Skull - L.A. Bound |
The Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA will now be residing in the Los Angeles area and available for events and private sessions with Michele Nocerino, daughter of crystal skull researcher F.R. 'Nick' Nocerino. This is a message Sha Na Ra would like to share with you:

"I am a child of the Earth, harvested, carved and used by humankind. In this time and in this place, I am a Shaman's tool of the highest order. My past is rich with the knowledge of the ages but I am not a God. I function only in conjunction with human energy and act as a facilitator of communication between the worlds within each individual. As such, I carry the collective knowledge and experience of everyone that has touched me. This collective energy is what gives me the potential of imparting Universal Love.
In reality, I am but a mirror, a reflector of what is inside the heart of each individual. The only magic I possess is what I mirror from you. Whatever you see in my eyes is what you truly are. I can show you the depth, breadth and height of your own soul if that is what you need to see. I can break through the resistance of your mind and open doors to knowledge long forgotten. In this way I encourage personal growth and healing on every level.
My message is one of unconditional acceptance. Just as there are many paths up the mountain, each individual has a unique way of walking their path. As a Shaman's tool, I illuminate the path of the individual as it relates to the journey of us all."
You can personally experience what Sha Na Ra has available for you. To see Sha Na Ra in person, call Michele Nocerino directly to book a private appointment or an event at (925) 577-3957.
PS.This week our free VIP ALERT will feature new MOON QUARTZ CRYSTAL SKULLS - energized by the Ancient Crystal Skull SHA NA RA - they will be posted this friday on our SPECIALS page as well (make sure you refresh the page in your web-browser).
PPS. You may also have a chance to see the Ancient Crystal Skull MAX in Los Angeles - and to immerse yourself in the wisdom of John Oliver. To reserve your seat with MAX for the weekend of March 27-29 call Craig at (310) 617-4877
Related Weblinks:
Michele Nocerino :
Sha Na Ra energized crystal skulls :
Free VIP Crystal Skull Alert:
Details on Crystal Skull MAX in L.A. :
"The Sha Na Ra energised crystal skull is amazing! Very active and wanted to meditate and sleep with me. Very tingly energy and loves being with other crystal skulls in a grid. Quite a little powerhouse! Beautiful! Thank you very much!"
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Crystal Skull Answers : Effect on their energy radiance? |
At times we get some great questions that may be of interest to others. We will be happy to answer your questions like these in future newsletters (send an email to with the subject line "Questions about Crystal Skulls").:
QUESTION: “I am very new to crystal skulls and have noticed that you have some fabulous beads and pendants on your site. However, I would like to know if, by drilling a hole or inserting a metal tab in the top has any effect on their energy radiance."
ANSWER: The way the crystal skulls themselves see it, it is similar to people piercing their ears, nose, lips and other body parts, and it does not adversely affect their energy. Some crystal skulls say that the sterling silver bail acts like an antenna on top of their head as a conduit for more energy and guidance.
For those who want to wear crystal skulls that are not drilled, we have some new crystal skull pendants that are mounted in metal settings so they don't have any holes in the skull itself. The metal acts as a further conductor and amplifier of energy. We just introduced some quartz crystal skull pendants in gold metallic settings without holes, and we are also introducing some new labradorite crystal skull pendants rimmed with silver.

The most important thing is that crystal skulls love to be of service, so when a person wears them, the crystal skulls are more constantly and consistently able to work with that person's energy field and their surrounding environment to provide peace, healing and protection. We offer the world's largest selection of crystal skull jewelry, with many pieces designed exclusively for us, so you are sure to find the ideal crystal skull to wear so it can support and benefit you at all times.
Related Weblinks:
Experience Crystal Skull Jewelry :
Gold Quartz Skull Pendants :
Silver Labradorite Skulls Pendants :
"Thank you so much for my crystal skulls. I have been wearing my amethyst pendant necklace and have had great days at work and wonderful peace/well-being. Thank you, as well, for the care with my package and your great service."
8) |
DON'T MISS These Special FREE BONUSES this month -
you could receive a FREE solstice energized 12 crystal skulls set! |
a) Every crystal skull order automatically receives a free e-book: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CRYSTAL SKULLS - The Top 10 Things You Need To Know About Crystal Skulls, including How to program and work with your crystal skull; Which crystal skull is best for you?; How to care for your crystal skull: cleansing and energizing; How can crystal skulls help and heal the Earth?...and much more...
b) Every order over $100 (before S&H/taxes) automatically receives a FREE mini PURPLE GOLDSTONE CRYSTAL SKULL (while quantities last). It is an excellent stone for healers as it generates and revitalizes energy. It is a deep midnight purple color with glittering flecks of copper that sparkle throughout like a galaxy.
c) Get FREE SHIPPING when you buy at least 3 OR MORE crystal skulls - must use coupon code: BUY3 during checkout (some exceptions may apply on large skulls, sale items, and overseas orders)
d) AND... Every order placed between March 20 through April 19 will automatically qualify for a chance to RECEIVE A FREE 12 CRYSTAL SKULLS SET valued at $298! (The winner of this month's 13 Quartz Crystal Skulls Set will be selected from all orders received through March 19, and will be notified by email)
Related Weblinks:
See your Free Crystal Skull Gift Here :
12 Crystal Skull Sets:
Start your search for crystal skulls here -
" Thanks again for the gift of the set of 12. Since placing them around the skulls by my bed, my dreams have been stronger in detail and recall! "
9) |
A Message from the rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
"The Quickening: Manifesting at the Speed of Thought" |

There is indeed a quickening upon us that is even being felt and expressed by nature itself. Everything seems to be accelerated, for one and for all. This is what must occur as the frequencies increase, because the higher the frequency, the faster the vibration of energy. As you begin to resonate at higher and higher frequencies, your ability to manifest and create also quickens.
This is very, very important... You must understand that as your frequency and consciousness increases, so does your power, and with it, your responsibility. As your frequency increases, you will be manifesting at the speed of thought, therefore it is essential to keep your thoughts "clean" and pure, and to think ONLY of those things that you actually wish to manifest and experience on Earth and in your life. Suspend your judgments, for they only serve to lower your frequency and the vibration of one and all.
The crystal skulls are here to support you to cleanse your mind, to purify and focus your thoughts and intentions, so you can attain higher and higher states of consciousness, higher frequencies of vibration, and a greater ability to manifest, to create and to co-create with infinite power. Therefore, you must be fully conscious of what you are thinking, of what you are choosing, of what you are empowering with your thoughts, energies and emotions, for these are the things that you are indeed creating and attracting into your Earth reality.
Those who work with crystal skulls have a greater ability to focus conscious intent, and therefore a greater ability to manifest at will, but you must take responsibility for your own creation. The more you take responsibility for the life you have attracted and created around you, the more power you have to choose the reality that you now desire to create, moment to moment to moment. At any given NOW, you have the power to choose, the power to change, the power to create, the power to transform... so choose well, and choose wisely.
Related Weblinks:
Rare Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR:
" Thank you so much. I love my skulls and felt the energy as I opened each one. I’ll be back! "
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Featured Testimonial : About "Laughing with Crystal Skulls" |
"Thank you for the nuummite crystal skulls. Thank you for the free gift of a smaller skull of [opalite] skull. The pair is great together are great and have had a life-rejuvenating effect on me.
I had a life event last year that traumatized me and I fell into shame,grief and anger. All these negative feelings took a toll on my health and I now have adrenal fatigue. On top of this I had a reaction to doctor prescribed medication so my adrenal fatigue for worse.
I give you this background because that's when my family of crystal skulls came into my life. They picked up my spirits and I have not laughed so much till my stomach hurt. And they've been with me for only 4-5 days.
They are my sunshine and laughter friends. Truly my sunshine and laughter family. Thank you for sending me the crystal skulls. They are truly amazing."
PS. When you order crystal skulls from, they have all been energized and activated by the Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR and the Mayan Blue Jade Skull CANA IXIM (except those specifically energized by the Ancient Nocerino Crystal Skull Sha Na Ra and the Ancient ET Crystal Skull Collection of Joky Van Dieten)
All the best,
MD & the Team
Experience the power of our offerings for yourself

Crystal Skulls for Sale| What Makes Us Different| Tibetan Crystal Skull AMAR| Free VIP Alert |
• • Highest Quality Crystal Skulls• 1 800 663-6463 •